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WebGL in web workers? #33

Open deathcap opened 10 years ago

deathcap commented 10 years ago

This may somehow be useful for voxel-engine:

https://blog.mozilla.org/research/2014/07/22/webgl-in-web-workers-today-and-faster-than-expected/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8070400




deathcap commented 3 years ago

This is promising but has complications on various browsers, an interesting recent comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25651464

Chrome impliments the necessary features for wasm and webgl. Here's a test: checkaux.github.io Mobile firefox lacks simd, i haven't been able to get its shared memory to work on a local or deployed environment because of bugs in what it thinks is a 'secure context' Desktop and mobile Firefox does not support OffscreenCanvas without turning on flags. It's been years since this was meant to be made. Therefore you cannot use seperate threads to render to webgl without using less performant workarounds. Lack of proper threading means bad page performance. There's lots more dumb bugs and features firefox said it would support and simply never did. Understand there's real reasons as to why chrome is the preferred. it works and it actually puts in the necessary features.