voxel51 / fiftyone

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Allow generated datasets to be directly created #4416

Closed brimoor closed 1 month ago

brimoor commented 1 month ago

Resolves https://github.com/voxel51/fiftyone/issues/4397

The make_{patches|frames|clips}_dataset() methods were originally designed to be called internally by the to_{patches|frames|clips}() methods but not called directly. For example, as observed in https://github.com/voxel51/fiftyone/issues/4397, they currently return a dataset that behaves like a view in certain ways. Also, directly calling make_clips_dataset() is especially pernicious, as it currently returns a dataset that silently reuses the same frames collection as the input dataset.

However, there is a good use case for directly calling make_{patches|frames|clips}_dataset() to convert a collection into an independent dataset.

So, this PR maintains the behavior of to_{patches|frames|clips}() while tweaking the default behavior of the make_{patches|frames|clips}_dataset() methods so that they do return a completely normal dataset.

Example usage

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
import fiftyone.core.patches as fop
import fiftyone.core.clips as foc
import fiftyone.core.video as fov
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

# Patches dataset

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

patches_view = dataset.to_patches("ground_truth")
patches_dataset = fop.make_patches_dataset(dataset, "ground_truth")

assert patches_view._is_generated == True
assert patches_dataset._is_generated == False
assert patches_dataset._sample_collection_name != dataset._sample_collection_name
assert patches_dataset._frame_collection_name is None
assert patches_dataset.count() == patches_view.count()
assert patches_dataset.count() == dataset.count("ground_truth.detections")

# Frames dataset

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video")

frames_view = dataset.to_frames(sample_frames=True)
frames_dataset = fov.make_frames_dataset(dataset, sample_frames=True)

assert frames_view._is_generated == True
assert frames_dataset._is_generated == False
assert frames_dataset._sample_collection_name != dataset._sample_collection_name
assert frames_dataset._frame_collection_name is None
assert frames_dataset.count() == frames_view.count()
assert frames_dataset.count() == dataset.count("frames")

# Clips dataset

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video")

expr = F("detections.detections").length() > 10
clips_view = dataset.to_clips(expr)
clips_dataset = foc.make_clips_dataset(dataset, expr)

assert clips_view._is_generated == True
assert clips_dataset._is_generated == False
assert clips_dataset._sample_collection_name != dataset._sample_collection_name
assert clips_dataset._frame_collection_name != dataset._frame_collection_name
assert clips_dataset.count() == clips_view.count()
assert clips_dataset.count("frames") == clips_view.count("frames")

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


The recent updates to the FiftyOne library introduce new parameters persistent and _generated to several dataset creation functions. These parameters enhance dataset management by controlling persistence and generation behavior. Specifically, they allow for creating either temporary or persistent datasets based on the _generated flag. This change affects functions in various modules, including clips.py, dataset.py, patches.py, stages.py, and video.py. Additionally, new tests ensure the correct functionality of these updates.


File(s) Change Summary
fiftyone/core/clips.py Added persistent and _generated parameters to make_clips_dataset; modified name parameter to _name; adjusted dataset creation logic.
fiftyone/core/dataset.py Corrected a comment related to clips datasets.
fiftyone/core/patches.py Added persistent and _generated parameters to make_patches_dataset and make_evaluation_patches_dataset.
fiftyone/core/stages.py Added _generated parameter to several functions, reordered arguments.
fiftyone/core/video.py Added persistent and _generated parameters to make_frames_dataset; updated function documentation.
tests/unittests/patches_tests.py Added test_make_patches_dataset method to validate patch dataset creation.
tests/unittests/video_tests.py Added test_make_frames_dataset and test_make_clips_dataset methods to validate frames and clips dataset creation.

Assessment against linked issues

Objective Addressed Explanation
Ensure make_frames_dataset creates a Dataset not treated as FramesView (#4397) The changes include adding parameters to control dataset behavior, but it's unclear if _is_frames issue is resolved.
Validate new parameters in dataset creation functions
Add and verify new test methods for dataset creation

In fields of code where datasets grow,
New flags now guide where data flows.
Persistent paths or temp's embrace,
Each line of code finds its place.
With tests to guard and bugs to chase,
Our codebase shines with added grace.

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