Ability to fix bboxes and image classification via annotation in FiftyOne app
What is the use case for this feature? Fast fixing of datasets ground thuth.
Why is this use case valuable to support for FiftyOne users in general? You can create and fix dataset fast.
Why is this use case valuable to support for your project(s) or
organization? Faster developlent of datasets
Why is it currently difficult to achieve this use case? You have discover badly annotated examples in FiftyOne, then export them, then import in lableling tool, then fix labeling errors, then export from labeling tool, then import to FiftyOne.
What areas of FiftyOne does this feature affect?
[ x] App: FiftyOne application
[ ] Core: Core fiftyone Python library
[ ] Server: FiftyOne server
You can also allow to annotate new examples not only fix badly annotated
Willingness to contribute
The FiftyOne Community encourages new feature contributions. Would you or
another member of your organization be willing to contribute an implementation
of this feature?
[ ] Yes. I can contribute this feature independently.
[ ] Yes. I would be willing to contribute this feature with guidance from
the FiftyOne community.
[x] No. I cannot contribute this feature at this time.
Proposal Summary
Ability to fix bboxes and image classification via annotation in FiftyOne app
What areas of FiftyOne does this feature affect?
Python libraryDetails
You can also allow to annotate new examples not only fix badly annotated
Willingness to contribute
The FiftyOne Community encourages new feature contributions. Would you or another member of your organization be willing to contribute an implementation of this feature?