voxelinc / voxellancer

A Game about Voxels in Space
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What's the intended difference between canLockOn() and shownOnHud()? #323

Closed mrzzzrm closed 10 years ago

mrzzzrm commented 10 years ago

canLockOn without shownOnHud feels weird, but also does shownOnHud without canLockOn.

So maybe should be unified to canLockOn? Or was there another intention behind this?

xchrdw commented 10 years ago

canLockOn was for rockets lockon, showOnHud was for the name/distance. It might be useful to only lock rockets on enemies but show interesting stuff like friended ships, planets, stations on the hud.

mrzzzrm commented 10 years ago

mmh, okay, but where would I want to show friendly objects but not fiends? The ObjectHudgets should mark both, I think, once they are clickable they are powerful enemy-selection-tools. They should be colored differently, but apart from that they are the same. What I see though is that you want turrets and wingmen to lock on rockets(to destroy them) but you don't want your hud flooded with ObjectHudgets that mark swarm-missiles. Then again, you might want to select an incoming rocket to defend yourself (via hotkey?)...

psieg commented 10 years ago

Friendlies would be show without lock, the other way around maybe for rockets. The intention was to leave all possibilities open