voximplant / flutter_voximplant

Voximplant Flutter SDK
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Push notification #6

Closed zadcall closed 4 years ago

zadcall commented 4 years ago

Hi @YuliaGrigorieva

as we are trying right now to use the call service, we are stuck on the push notification issue when the app is closed. we followed this: https://voximplant.com/docs/references/androidsdk/push-notifications-for-android and we also tried to work on the background message with your demo https://github.com/voximplant/flutter_demos and it didn't work at all, in the call history we get that

2020-03-21 07:06:44 push wakeup result: demo2@devzadcall.zadcall.voximplant.com > {web={result=no tokens found}, android={c2szGYW6S5KsfZJQpGIaAe:APA91bHPurhAasawDSFoCBEDH-tbUhMwELx26EVI_71pJ-4D1D6ks4bE38c6qvxG2YXwYTCIQS3YT-T6TXggtfEMfrfTtsXRHaPKPmLPq2vCrNz1jaQxnCo9QYUuMrNFE823nZ22XFdq={result=success}}, ios={result=no tokens found}}

the result = success but no notification is sent, also I tried with firebase cloud messaging directly to send to the same token and it has been sent successfully.

this is the scenario we are using as the docs requested

require(Modules.PushService); VoxEngine.addEventListener(AppEvents.CallAlerting, e => { const newCall = VoxEngine.callUser(e.destination, e.destination, e.displayName, {'VI-CallTimeout': '50'}); VoxEngine.easyProcess(e.call, newCall, ()=>{}, true); });

zadcall commented 4 years ago

my android version on both devices I'm trying to test from is 9 too if that will help @YuliaGrigorieva

zadcall commented 4 years ago

Hi @YuliaGrigorieva I solved the notification and now I can receive the notification and after receiving it I also created a local notification, but the problem is how can I log in the user when he receives the notification and before he click to the notification so that the "20 sec. connecting" can capture him!