voximplant / react-native-demo

React Native Voximplant Demo
173 stars 146 forks source link

Cannot able to login in the demo App #72

Closed renishdeveloper closed 4 years ago

renishdeveloper commented 4 years ago

I cannot able to login with the Username added in the Voximplant control panel.

YuliaGrigorieva commented 4 years ago

Hello @renishdeveloper ,

Please ensure that you enter the login credentials in the following format:

login: user@application.account where: user - Voximplant user name in the Voximplant application application - Voximplant application created in the Voximplant Control Panel account - Your Voximplant account name

password: the password created/set for this Voximplant user in the Voximplant application

Best regards, Yulia Grigorieva