2) When app is in Foreground state i am able to to see incomingCall screen by using below code, i have noticed below i am getting CallId and CallKitUUID from ( _incomingCall = event => ) but when app is in killed state in VOIP payload i am not getting CallKitUUID and even callID format are also different
EX -
CallID in VOIP payload is (app is in killed state)
callid = x6TgS5RaRiy4aol2rstyHUMq3pAzkk0Nq3DfPGNtWGQ;
CallID when app is in Foreground state ( _incomingCall = event => )
event.call.callId = '9BA4BC3CDD7714A9.1602671723.2074451',
Below code to show incoingCall view when app is in Foreground state.
1) I am getting VOIP notification with below payload, What next i am supposed to do to show that incoming call screen ?
2) When app is in Foreground state i am able to to see incomingCall screen by using below code, i have noticed below i am getting CallId and CallKitUUID from ( _incomingCall = event => ) but when app is in killed state in VOIP payload i am not getting CallKitUUID and even callID format are also different
EX -
CallID in VOIP payload is (app is in killed state) callid = x6TgS5RaRiy4aol2rstyHUMq3pAzkk0Nq3DfPGNtWGQ;
CallID when app is in Foreground state ( _incomingCall = event => ) event.call.callId = '9BA4BC3CDD7714A9.1602671723.2074451',
Below code to show incoingCall view when app is in Foreground state.
this.callKitManager.showIncomingCall( event.video, event.call.getEndpoints()[0].displayName, event.call.callId, event.call.callKitUUID, );
I am also sharing my AppDelegate.m file.
3) Does below line will call RNCallKeep and show that incomingCall screen or do i need to do something?
This is my AppDelegate.m