voximplant / react-native-voximplant

Voximplant mobile SDK for React Native (iOS/Android)
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ios/Pods/VoxImplantSDK/VoxImplant.framework/VoxImplant' does not contain bitcode. #169

Closed Harsha-Sampath closed 2 years ago

Harsha-Sampath commented 2 years ago

Hi, After the implementation react native VoxImplant SDK project is working properly. but when I try to archive the project it failed.

This message is showing.

'/Users/macbook/Projects/MedLankaApp/MedlankaCustomerProject/MedlankaCustomer/ios/Pods/VoxImplantSDK/VoxImplant.framework/VoxImplant' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE), obtain an updated library from the vendor, or disable bitcode for this target. file '/Users/macbook/Projects/MedLankaApp/MedlankaCustomerProject/MedlankaCustomer/ios/Pods/VoxImplantSDK/VoxImplant.framework/VoxImplant' for architecture arm64

I tried Xcode ==> setting ==> ENABLE_BITCODE (Yes/No)

Please give me a solution regarding the above matter.

pe1ros commented 2 years ago

Hello @Harsha-Sampath !

 To enable bitcode in your project, you need to do the following steps:    1. Enable Bitcode on Xcode Proect->Build Options->Enable Bitcode.  2. Download a required Voximplant iOS SDK version (and VoximplantWebRTC dependency) with bitcode for a specific   Voximplant React Native SDK. Please check this page for download links. Voximplant React Native SDK 1.34.0 depends on VoxImplant_bitcode(2.46.9)  and VoxImplantWebRTC_bitcode(93.0.0)

  1. Update Podfile target ‘ProjectName’ do  // add these lines pod ‘VoxImplantSDK’, :path => ‘Path/To/VoxImplant_bitcode/’ pod ‘VoxImplantWebRTC’, :path => ‘Path/To/VoxImplantWebRTC_bitcode/’
  2. Run pod install command from YourProejct/ios folder

If you want disable bitcode in your project:

  1. Update your Podfile like this
    post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
  2. Run pod install command from YourProejct/ios folder
Harsha-Sampath commented 2 years ago

I fixed that issue, thank you for your support.