voxpupuli / facterdb

A Database of OS facts provided by Facter
Apache License 2.0
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Architecture Support #342

Open yakatz opened 2 weeks ago

yakatz commented 2 weeks ago

i386 is dead and arm64 is up-and-coming.

  1. Are there any versions of Puppet actually supported for maintained 32-bit systems?

  2. We currently assume all generated facts from from VirtualBox so we can make sure they always have the correct IP addresses. VirtualBox does not - at probably will not - support arm. We need a way to ensure that generated factsets will still have reasonable values even if run on a different hypervisor.

One option would be to have a translation script with published dummy values that each factset can be run through when it is generated that will replace IP addresses. UUIDs, etc.

yakatz commented 2 weeks ago

Related to #335

yakatz commented 2 weeks ago

Michael Hashizume on Slack:

I believe we still support 32-bit RHEL 6 and have a 32-bit Windows installer because of Windows 10, specifically

Yeah, those are the last of the supported 32-bit platforms AFAIK and hopefully we’ll be able to retire them at some point. RHEL 6 is only supported in Puppet 7 and Windows 10 goes EOL next year I think.