voxpupuli / plumbing

Utilities for Vox Pupuli management
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Define a process to handle money #260

Open bastelfreak opened 1 year ago

bastelfreak commented 1 year ago

We are now part of opencollective. We already have several sponsors, which worked quicker than I expected. Now we need to decide what we do with the money and how we handle it in the future. I would like to use it cover reoccurring costs like our domains, but we got way more money. We had some ideas during configuration management camp:

We need to figure out how all the opencollective stuff works, how we handle requests for expenses in the community and how we decide what we pay for.

Also we maybe want to introduce an M & M officer role - Money and/or Marketing. There is a bunch of text that should/could be added to our github aponaors page, our organisation readme and the open collective page, and someone should have an overview of incoming/outgoing money.

rwaffen commented 8 months ago

work together with nitrokey (open source yubikey alternative) to get one hardware dongle per contributor, then enforce 2FA at github (arch linux recently did that)

Its a nice idea, but i think those two are not linked, we can enforce 2FA without having a hardware you can forget/loose easily ;-)