voxpupuli / puppet-bacula

A bacula module recovered from the Puppet Labs Operations team
Apache License 2.0
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(enhancement) support for external scripts #88

Closed sfuerte closed 7 years ago

sfuerte commented 7 years ago

Bacula supports scripts calls, e.g. DB backups, it would be nice to have an ability to populate such scripts via Puppet.

For example, currently we have to update client.pp to add the following:

  file { "$conf_dir/scripts/make_db_backup.py":
    ensure => present,
    owner => 'root',
    group => $group,
    mode => '0755',
    source => 'puppet:///<source>/bacula/scripts/make_db_backup.py',

A note on the "source", if it can be configurable, it'll be great. If puppet:///modules/bacula is used, then files have to be stored under .../modules/bacula/files folder. Which means that simple upgrade of the module will fail. In our environment we have a special folder mounted and accessed as, for example, puppet:///my_mnt_point/bacula. In such way puppet module upgrade ... won't fail.

zachfi commented 7 years ago

Yes, this sounds useful. I've had some private code that does this kind of dumping for each of the databases I care about, but a generalized approach for script execution seems useful. I'm not sure how to work out permissions for this kind of thing, since perhaps sudo would be required, and I doubt we can agree on a sudo module as a dependency.

How would you see this used in manifest?

sfuerte commented 7 years ago

Well, Puppet agent is already running with privileged permissions, one wouldn't need them to copy scripts. Here is our real usage scenario:

No need in elevated permissions.

bacula::client::client: 'name' bacula::client::password: 'pass'

- had there be a way to add script/file option, similar to Zabbix's userparameter, it'd be great!

-- classes:

zabbix::agent::hostname: 'hostname' zabbix::userparameter::data:

apache: source: 'puppet:///my_mount_point/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/apache.conf' apache.py: script: 'puppet:///my_mount_point/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.scripts/apache.py' script_dir: '/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.scripts'

zachfi commented 7 years ago

Ah, I think this just might be a documentation issue. You should be able to get what you want using the bacula::job resource.


It looks like runscript is just an array of hashes, which are then used in the job template.


That template fragment gets exported so it can be realized on the director, but since you are not using this module on the director, that's probably not going to help you much.

I will say, most of this module in particular assumes that you are using this module on most parts of your bacula installation. There is a heavy use of exported resources at work to allow clients to export bits of data to the director.

Is there something preventing you from using this module on your bacula director that can be addressed in the module?

sfuerte commented 7 years ago

hmm, believe bacula::job will just create a record in Director's configuration. It won't copy any file/script itself. For file creation/copy, a file resource shall be present and defined in manifest, either in client.pp directly or referenced from there; e.g. like in my original message here.

zachfi commented 7 years ago

I think this should probably be something done outside the module. A site local wrapper define could probably accomplish this in a cleaner manner than implementing it in the module.

define mysite::backup_job (
) {
  file { ... }

  bacula::job { ... }

I'll close this out, as I think the workaround above should be sufficient, but if you feel differently about it, feel free to reopen or submit a PR to address this. Thanks for the report all the same.