The outcome from #72 and #73 means that the GPG key now isn't guaranteed to be imported before the Yum repositories are created which means if I install a package found in these repositories, I get the following errors:
And then a bit further on, I finally see the GPG key get created:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Epel/File[/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}58fa8ae27c89f37b08429f04fd4a88cc'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Epel/Epel::Rpm_gpg_key[EPEL-7]/Exec[import-EPEL-7]/returns: executed successfully
I agree the original dependency chaining was a bit far reaching, but I think there needs to be something here to keep the resources within the context of this module in the correct order.
The outcome from #72 and #73 means that the GPG key now isn't guaranteed to be imported before the Yum repositories are created which means if I install a package found in these repositories, I get the following errors:
And then a bit further on, I finally see the GPG key get created:
I agree the original dependency chaining was a bit far reaching, but I think there needs to be something here to keep the resources within the context of this module in the correct order.