Proxy bypass HTTP connector for tomcat requires the AJP protocol, however we are using Nginx as a reverse proxy. Is there any way to set a bypass port using the HTTP/1.1 protocol?
if ! empty($ajp) { if ! has_key($ajp, 'port') { fail('You need to specify a valid port for the AJP connector.') } else { validate_re($ajp['port'], '^\d+$') } if ! has_key($ajp, 'protocol') { fail('You need to specify a valid protocol for the AJP connector.') } else { validate_re($ajp['protocol'], ['^AJP/1.3$', '^org.apache.coyote.ajp']) } }
Proxy bypass HTTP connector for tomcat requires the AJP protocol, however we are using Nginx as a reverse proxy. Is there any way to set a bypass port using the HTTP/1.1 protocol?
if ! empty($ajp) { if ! has_key($ajp, 'port') { fail('You need to specify a valid port for the AJP connector.') } else { validate_re($ajp['port'], '^\d+$') } if ! has_key($ajp, 'protocol') { fail('You need to specify a valid protocol for the AJP connector.') } else { validate_re($ajp['protocol'], ['^AJP/1.3$', '^org.apache.coyote.ajp']) } }