voxpupuli / puppet-network

Types and providers to manage network interfaces
Apache License 2.0
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fix current rubocop issues #227

Open bastelfreak opened 7 years ago

bastelfreak commented 7 years ago

Right now there is a bit of rubocop foo:

$ bundle exec rubocop -c .rubocop.yml -D -S -a
Inspecting 26 files


spec/unit/type/network_config_spec.rb:29:14: C: RSpec/DescribeSymbol: Avoid describing symbols.
    describe :name do
spec/unit/type/network_config_spec.rb:33:14: C: RSpec/DescribeSymbol: Avoid describing symbols.
    describe :reconfigure do
spec/unit/type/network_route_spec.rb:15:14: C: RSpec/DescribeSymbol: Avoid describing symbols.
    describe :name do
spec/unit/provider/network_config/interfaces_spec.rb:260:5: C: RSpec/ScatteredLet: Group all let/let! blocks in the example group together.
    let(:content) { described_class.format_file('', [lo_provider, eth0_provider, eth1_provider]) }

26 files inspected, 4 offenses detected

They are currently disabled, but should be fixed.