voxpupuli / puppet-rundeck

Module for managing the installatation and configuration of the rundeck orchestration tool
MIT License
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install rundeck from apt for osfamily debian #286

Closed cy4n closed 7 years ago

cy4n commented 7 years ago

rundeck packages are available from bintray ( https://bintray.com/rundeck/rundeck-deb ) obviously we want to use apt to install rundeck on debian-based hosts

im available on freenode#voxpupuli if you have questions

(see PR #285 , thanks to @grafjo for explaining rspec to me:-) )

nibalizer commented 7 years ago

This looks great. I'm wondering why it wasn't done this way to begin with? Are the apt repos new?

What are the symver implications of this? Do we think changing to using an apt repo is a big change? I tend to think its considerably better puppet, but might make a system admin go O.O

grafjo commented 7 years ago

@nibalizer there is no official documentation on rundeck.org available. Just the click path via bintray.com/rundeck.

i think the change to make the apt repo the preferred way of installing rundeck on debian based systems requires a major version bump, to keep admins happy :)

maybe manage_yum_repo can be replaced with manage_repo so the user still has a choice and debian and red hat based systems share the same behavior.

cy4n commented 7 years ago

so i added the "old" deb download as default feature in https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-rundeck/pull/286/commits/77432339b272c91bcfe4f9fb09d2c229794070d8 you have to set "deb_download = false" and "package_ensure='installed'" to use the apt repo.

(manage_yum_repo and now manage_repo only decide if the module installs the repo sources itself, you can still use apt/yum if the manage_repo is set to false., e.g. if you have your own mirrors)

dhoppe commented 7 years ago

@cy4n I think you might want to add a whitespace and this error message ist about open ending, too.

Please try something like >= 2.2 < 3.0

cy4n commented 7 years ago

2.3.0 is the current puppetlabs/apt version, so shouldN't the reference be "<=2.3.0"? since we can't know if 2.4.0 might break the module?

alexjfisher commented 7 years ago

Minor versions shouldn't break functionality. I think you also have to use all 3 parts of the version number.

eg. use >= 2.2.0 <3.0.0

dhoppe commented 7 years ago

@cy4n You really should use the example from @alexjfisher and also define a version requirement for the module dirtree.

cy4n commented 7 years ago

i fixed the metadata.json according to alex' example, thanks for helping out.

about dirtree: tbh i have no idea what version you need, the version is already missing in the upstream master: https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-rundeck/blob/master/metadata.json

dhoppe commented 7 years ago

@cy4n There are only 2 versions at the Puppet Forge, so you could use something like >= 0.2.2 <1.0.0. But I will merge this PR because of the successful Travis CI results.

wyardley commented 7 years ago

I'm taking this back out (though adding a README item about it) in #335 because current style guide specifies that things like apt / epel etc. should be soft dependencies https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/5.1/style_guide.html#dependencies