voxpupuli / puppet-rundeck

Module for managing the installatation and configuration of the rundeck orchestration tool
MIT License
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Add support for rundeck 3.x #400

Closed smasa90 closed 5 years ago

smasa90 commented 6 years ago

Pull Request (PR) description

Quickwin to get rundeck 3.x running without error on:

-> https://rundeck.org/news/2018/07/27/rundeck-3.0.0.html

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

smasa90 commented 6 years ago

Don't know what mean these failing Travis checks :

An error occurred in an `after(:suite)` hook.
defstat(host, path)
ruby = ruby_command(host)
owner = on(host"#{ruby} -e 'require\"etc\"; puts (Etc.getpwuid(File.stat(\"#{path}\").uid).name)'").stdout.chomp
group = on(host"#{ruby} -e 'require\"etc\"; puts (Etc.getgrgid(File.stat(\"#{path}\").gid).name)'").stdout.chomp
mode  = on(host"#{ruby} -e 'puts (File.stat(\"#{path}\").mode & 0777).to_s(8)'").stdout.chomp.to_i
[owner, group, mode]
  wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2) (ArgumentError)
Finished in 1 minute 31.33 seconds (files took 1 minute 25.36 seconds to load)
6 examples, 0 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples

EDIT: Seems to be error with new version of puppet\broker Any advice when issue will be corrected on VP Travis CI ?

alexjfisher commented 6 years ago

@smasa90 A new version of beaker-puppet has been released. I restarted your build and the fix looks like it worked for this project. (There are other modules still experiencing issues due to other regressions).

smasa90 commented 5 years ago

Big Thanks to you

bastelfreak commented 5 years ago


alexjfisher commented 5 years ago

@bastelfreak This is a breaking change I think?

bastelfreak commented 5 years ago

@alexjfisher I don't think so. Current users stay on their version 2.11.5. A new user will default to 3.