voyagermesh / voyager

🚀 Secure L7/L4 (HAProxy) Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
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Fix errors in code/YAML blocks #1625

Closed tamalsaha closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view or the :scroll:action log for details.

Unrecognized words (782) ``` aaad aab aabd aabe aac aad aadbdb aae aaf abcbdf abce abe abortonclose aca acaa acaac acb acdc acea acf acl acm acmesolver acs ada adaf adbc adcb addb addon adf aeaa aeab aeafc aeb aebb aec aecd aed aee aeebca aef AESGCM afa afab afabb afbc afc afcbc afdcc afdf afe aimof aks alekssaul alertmanagers aletundo alpn amd anycast api apiextensions apigroup apimachinery apiregistration apiserver apiservice apiv apiversion apps appscode appscodelabs args Arial ashiquzzaman aslong assing Austwick autoload automagically automerge autoscale autoscaler autoscaling aws azuredns baab bacb backend Backendrules baeb baee bafb baremetal bba bbb bbbbaea bbc bbd bbe bbea bbfdc bca bcaddba bcb bcba bcc bcee bcfebc bcyrill bdb bdbc bdc bdce bdd bdf bea beae beb bebdca bewiwi bfa bfb bfc bfd bfee bff bfpr bitly Blancers blog bodewig bpineau brgd Brlr builddeps buildx Busybox cabe cac cacef cadcbfcb cae CAfile calendly CApath casdfbsdfsdf cbac cbb cbc cbd cbdc cbe cbef cbf cbonte cca ccaa ccb ccba ccbbc ccbe ccc ccd ccde cced cdb cdc cde cea ceb cec ced certmanager certs cfae cfb cfc cfcf cfe cfed cfedd cff cfff cfg cfgmap cgo CHACHA changelog charset chmod cidr cleartext clitcpka clouddns CLOUDE cloudflare cloudprovider clusterissuer clusterrole clusterrolebinding cmp codegen codespan compinit config configmap configreader conorbranagan coreos cors crd crt css csv ctx customresourcedefinitions cve daaa dac dadab daemonset daf dafe dba dbaa dbc dbcfa dbd dbdb dbdbdf dcbbb dcbeb dcbf dcc dcccdb dcd dcdda dce dcf dcfbfe dcfd dconv dda ddb ddc ddcf ddd dde ddf ddff DDo decf defc defun deletecollection Dependabot deps deuill dfa dfaf dfb dfd dfe dffd DHE diffs digitalocean diptadas dirname dkfj dlfjk dns DNT dockerfile doco DOCTYPE dontlog dontlognull dpkg drf dropdown dtv eaa eac eae eaf eba ebc ebcea ebe ebec ebff eca ecbb ecc ecd ecdce ECDHE ECDSA ece ecee ecf echoserver eda ede edee edf edfd edgegrid eea eeb eebfc eec eecb eecd eecdcd eed eeec efa efabf efae efbd efc efcfb effc EKS elasticloadbalancing elbv endrec engineerd Engress enver envsubst eou errofiles errorfile errorloc esac ETag exe exratione Externalservice faab faaf faec faem faf fatelgit fbb fbc fbd fbe fbed fbf fbfafd fbfc fbffb fca fcb fcba fcc fcd fce fced fdb fdc fdd fde fdec fdfcec fdg fea feb feba febd fef fefdf fefe fefef ffaed ffb ffbf ffcddbca ffce ffd figcaption finalizer firewalls forwardfor fpath Fprintf fqdn frontend frontendrules frontmatter func Gandi gavvvr gcc gce gcloud GCP gcr ghaction giovannicandido github githubusercontent gitignore gke gnutls gohugoio golang google Gopkg goreportcard goroutine gotypes grep grpc gtm gzip haproxy hardcoded hbx hdr healthchecks healthz hjwjb hlml hofmeister hostedzone hostfilter hostingchannels hostname hostport hpa href hsts html http httpchk httplog htx iam ietf ifconfig IGVu img ings ini installable invalidclient ioutil issuecomment IXYK jayjun jaymeyerowitz jbgh jdfg jeffersongirao Jenkinsfile jetstack jhngb jipperinbham jjf joshisa joshk joshuacox json jsonpatch jsonpath julianvmodesto juma junit jwenz jwt kelseyhightower keyout kfoozminus kirrmann kiteci Kliszowski kloader klog kmc kmodules kube kubeapiserver kubebuilder kubeconfig kubectl kubed kubedb kubepack kubernetes kuring kutil labelledby labelmap lbc lbernail lck leastconn lego letsencrypt LGTM libbuild licenseproxy liche lifecycle linode linux livez lkj Loab loadbalancer loadbalancing localhost logasap lphm lua makepasswd maxage maxbackup maxconn MAXPODS maxsize mazzy metadata metallb mgo mgw mikefarah MINGW minikube MINPODS mkdir mkozjak mkpasswd mmz mrasero mycert mypasswd nameservers namespace namespaced nano nats netstat newkey nginx njgq NLB nodeport nodeselector NPE npm nstott oauth ocdi ocsp octplane OIDC onecert onessl openapi openshift openssl openstack OVH passthrough passwd pdf pem pharmer pierreozoux pipefail plvmt png popd powershell pprof Preemptible preload Preparep prestop prometheuses protobuf provier proxyserver PROXYv pushd pwd Qga qjqzt qps quickstart raymii rbac rbc rbq readme readyz realpath redsymbol Refactor refactoring regex Reorg Repare replicaset reportcard reqrep requestheader resync REUSEADDR REUSEPORT Revendor rfc rgi rhvulnlb riu rjg rnn rnwn rol roundrobin rsa rspadd rsprep rstring rstuven runit sadlil sajibcse saumanbiswas schubter screenshot sdfsdf sdk selfsigned semver SERVERID serviceaccount servicemonitor sgzkv shaneog SIGKILL signin SIGTERM SIGUSR simnyc skjdflk skywinder smarkets sni sniip socklog soosap Sourcing Spolicy src srv ssh ssl sslv ssro stacktrace statefulset statuscode stderr stdout structs subdomain subjectaccessreviews subresource sudo sunkuet svcac svg syscall sysctl syslog tablist tabpanel Tahoma tahsinrahman tamalsaha tcp tct Templatize TEser testframework testmain testpath testsecret thecodeassassin thirdpartyresources Thu TLD tls tlsv tmp togglable tokenreviews toml toolchain tpl tpq tpr trivy tsdb ttauveron ttl tuln ubuntu ugorji uid uiu uninstall uninstallation uninstalling unversioned urandom uri url urlencoded username usr utf uuid validator vdimov venafi vendored Verdana verifyhost versioned versioning virtualbox vmware voyagermesh vptr vscode Vultr vvv Vyd webhook webpage website Websocket wgb whitelist whitelisting whoami Wolla workaround workflow workqueue www wxdrz xargs xauthrequest xcg xcompass xenolf xenwolf xmavcn xml XQFLGRM yaml yml yqq YWT yyyy zsandrus zsh zshrc zswh ZTY ZWQg ```
Some files were automatically ignored These sample patterns would exclude them: ``` ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/a-record.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/client-secret.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/client-tenant.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/dns-zone-contributor.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/new-registration.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/new-registration2.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/subscriptions.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/azure/user-access.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/google_dns/svcac1.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/google_dns/svcac2.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/google_dns/svcac3.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/a-record.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/access-type.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/add-user.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/attach-policy.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/create-policy.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/hosted-zone-id.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/iam.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/policy-json.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/review-policy.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/review-user.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/route53.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/cert-manager/route53/success-user.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/configuration/custom-template/installer.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/cert-details.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/connection-secure.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/google-dns.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/multiple-tls/\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/ingress/voyager-ingress.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/monitoring/builtin-prometheus.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/monitoring/coreos-operator.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/monitoring/operator-metrics.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/monitoring/operator-profiler.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/monitoring/stats-view.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/setup/community_license_form.png\E$ ^\Qdocs/images/setup/enterprise_license_form.png\E$ ``` You should consider excluding directory paths (e.g. `(?:^|/)vendor/`), filenames (e.g. `(?:^|/)yarn\.lock$`), or file extensions (e.g. `\.gz$`) You should consider adding them to: ``` .github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt ``` File matching is via Perl regular expressions. To check these files, more of their words need to be in the dictionary than not. You can use `patterns.txt` to exclude portions, add items to the dictionary (e.g. by adding them to `allow.txt`), or fix typos.
To accept :heavy_check_mark: these unrecognized words as correct, run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `fix` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```
Available :books: dictionaries could cover words not in the :blue_book: dictionary Dictionary | Entries | Covers -|-|- [cspell:cpp/src/cpp.txt](|30216|135| [cspell:software-terms/src/software-terms.txt](|1237|88| [cspell:node/node.txt](|1768|51| [cspell:python/src/python/python-lib.txt](|3873|50| [cspell:php/php.txt](|2597|49| Consider adding them using (in `.github/workflows/ci.yml`): ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:cpp/src/cpp.txt cspell:software-terms/src/software-terms.txt cspell:node/node.txt cspell:python/src/python/python-lib.txt cspell:php/php.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add: ``` yml with: check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
Errors (1) See the [:open_file_folder: files](1625/files/) view or the [:scroll:action log]( for details. [:x: Errors]( | Count -|- [:x: utf16-surrogate]( | 39 See [:x: Event descriptions]( for more information.