voytekresearch / Tutorials

Learn to do common Voytek Lab things.
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Tutorial Development Notes Dump #15

Open TomDonoghue opened 5 years ago

TomDonoghue commented 5 years ago

VoytekLab Tutorials Plans


Plan: each person make a branch work on their 3 notebooks

First pass: copying stuff from the existing tutorials cleaning it up a little bit sketching out where there needs to be new things



Tutorials Purpose

The overall goal is to go from some technical knowledge (Python, DSP), into knowing enough to jump into our tools and approaches, in the area of neuro-electrophysiology, particularly around oscillations & 1/d. Scope: Focused around Electrophysiology Field Recordings


In particular, these are on boarding, to direct out to FOOOF, NEURODSP & ByCycle:

Needed to move to FOOOF :

Needed to move to NeuroDSP / ByCycle"

Notebook Plan

Goal: by the end of this, are ready to move onto FOOOF, ByCycle, NeuroDSP

Optional specific cases / things to add / link to:

TomDonoghue commented 5 years ago

These are the notes from the meetings / discussions we had(with tutorial team of @sydney-smith, @ArcadeShrimp, @MichaelTrann and me supervising), for how to build the tutorials, what to put into them, etc.

Note: the ordering of notebooks listed is different from currently ordered, as we played around with the best profession. We also considered merging 7 & 8.

TomDonoghue commented 5 years ago

Tutorial hack people (@voytek, @rdgao, @LeoVascelli) - starting by checking out this issue hopefully gives an overview of where we were coming from.

Through development and internal review of the notebooks / materials from each other, there are also already a group of issue listed of open questions / comments - so that is probably a good place to start in terms of reviewing materials, adding content, and making suggestions. If there is something not currently listed, make a new issue.

Please don't open PRs on notebooks - they are a nightmare to merge: we'll assign issues to specific people who can work on the notebook and push, with a lock on anyone else working on them, to avoid merge issues.