vpapenko / ColorPicker

Color pickers for Xamarin Forms.
MIT License
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add ColorChanged event #50

Open benefrasch opened 3 years ago

benefrasch commented 3 years ago

I am trying to build a app, where you get a preview of the current settings. DataBinding is not an option here.

Would it be possible, to add a ColorChanged Event, similar to the TextChanged/ Pressed Events of the Entry/ Button Class?

like:<Button Pressed="ButtonPressedEvent"/> -> <ColorCircle ColorChanged="ColorChangedEvent"

vpapenko commented 3 years ago

Sure. Planning to publish a new version in May

computercarguy commented 3 years ago

Is this event and update still planned? I'd like to use the same functionality.

vpapenko commented 3 years ago

Yes. This fix is ready, but I need time to finish other tasks. Will roll out a new release in week or two.

vpapenko commented 3 years ago

Done. Please check new version.