vpc-ccg / haslr

A fast tool for hybrid genome assembly of long and short reads
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Changing K-mer size of Minia leads to final fasta of zero bits #25

Open desmodus1984 opened 3 years ago

desmodus1984 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to assemble a genome of ~2.5 GB with ~15X of Nanopore data and ~65X of 100bps short-read data. I did one run of Abyss and I got a pretty bad result and then I learned that I used the wrong k-mer size, too far away from the optimum (95). Then, I found out that there is a software kmergenie to find the optimal k-mer size, and I did it for my short-read data and it is 63, MaSurca said it was 67. For Haslr, I did not tune up the first time, and use the default parameters, and with k=43 I got an assembly of 672 MB, but the BUSCO was very bad, 13.3% complete, [S:13.3%,D:0.0%], 3.4% fragmented, and 83.3% missing. The configuration I used was: haslr.py -t 48 --minia-kmer 43 -x nanopore plus the Nanopore dataset in fasta and the short-reads _1 and _2 in fq.gz

And so I did, and I used the kmer found in kmergenie, and the final file asm.final.fa was zero bites!

Could you help me explain why I ended up with a zero fasta file: The log file of the first run, showed no problem

checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/haslr_assemble: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minia_nooverlap: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/fastutils: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minia: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minimap2: ok number of threads: 48 output directory: /fs/scratch/PHS0338/appz/haslr/ONTq_NoSplit_RAPL-k43 subsampling 25x long reads to /fs/scratch/PHS0338/appz/haslr/ONTq_NoSplit_RAPL-k43/lr25x.fasta... done assembling short reads using Minia... done removing overlaps in short read assembly... done removing short sequences in short read assembly... done aligning long reads to short read assembly using minimap2... done assembling long reads using HASLR... done

The second pretty much the same: checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/haslr_assemble: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minia_nooverlap: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/fastutils: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minia: ok checking /users/PHS0338/jpac1984/.conda/envs/assembly-Y/bin/minimap2: ok number of threads: 48 output directory: /fs/scratch/PHS0338/appz/haslr/ONTq_NoSplit_RAPL-k63 subsampling 25x long reads to /fs/scratch/PHS0338/appz/haslr/ONTq_NoSplit_RAPL-k63/lr25x.fasta... done assembling short reads using Minia... done removing overlaps in short read assembly... done removing short sequences in short read assembly... done aligning long reads to short read assembly using minimap2... done assembling long reads using HASLR... done
