vpcola / ESP32SingleChannelGateway

A Fork of the popular ESP8266 single channel gateway adapted to ESP32 on the 915Mhz band.
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My gateway does not receive packages #9

Open Samuel-ZDM opened 5 years ago

Samuel-ZDM commented 5 years ago

The frequency and the SF are the same. I deleted the /gwayConfig.text, but it did not solve the problem. The node sends packets, but the gateway does not receive. Web server is working.

Claymore1994 commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. Is there a solution to the problem?

chuanisawesome commented 2 years ago


I am able to connect my Heltec lora32 to the wifi but I am unable to open up the web server? is there something that I miss? thank you!

chuanisawesome commented 2 years ago


My TTN gateway says disconnected and I am unsure how to have it connected?