vpelletier / python-functionfs

Pythonic API for linux's functionfs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FR: Option to delegate function setup to external programs #31

Open dogtopus opened 1 year ago

dogtopus commented 1 year ago

systemd, together with gt, offers a way to provision the function before passing control to a user program that handles the rest. Collabora has a writeup that covers some details on how this works.

This would be nice for situations where one absolutely doesn't want any part of the function to be ran as root at any time (except maybe during installation where one could generate and install the gadget scheme file from within python-functionfs), and there will be no lingering management process waiting to clean up the provisioned function which saves a bit of RAM.

vpelletier commented 12 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up.

I reply a bit out-of-order as I think my response makes a bit more sense this way.

This would be nice for situations where one absolutely doesn't want any part of the function to be ran as root at any time

This point, taken in isolation, should already be possible with the code as-is: only functionfs.gadget, which sets up the mountpoint and the device-wide options (everything in the gt template), ever needs to run as root. It changes user (...unless not told what user to pick) before executing the function's code. At least, this is the intention, and I would be quite surprised if it does not work as my own gadgets make use of this (as opposed to USB3, for example, as I do not have any USB3-enabled gadget).

Collabora has a writeup that covers some details on how this works.

Here is what I understand so far of the work needed to add support for this:

Am I missing anything ?

I gave a stab at it, and while I have yet to implement the descriptor parser, the only bad surprise so far is that the current endpoint class API did not expect to receive a file descriptor as first argument (bad first argument name, docstrings explicitly mentioning string as the only expected type), and did not expect to have to pass a closefd argument to io.FileIO. Changing this will break compatibility. So far, I assume sd_listen_fds_with_names will be usable and the descriptors can be closed. Of course, I do not do the systemd calls in functionfs.Function and instead expect the plain values.

Then of course some testing will be needed to check if this is actually usable and doing what is expected.