vpelletier / python-libusb1

Python ctype-based wrapper around libusb1
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
168 stars 65 forks source link

Debian/Ubuntu package #17

Closed diamondman closed 7 years ago

diamondman commented 7 years ago

I am a big fan of your work on this library, and believe the interface you present should be the standard way usb is interacted with in python. Unfortunately I can not rely on it when I am making debian/ubuntu packages because pip integration has always been problematic.

I would like to request a python-usb1 and python3-usb1 packages (or whatever you want to call them) be maintained in the debian package repository. I am aware that this process is a lot more complicated than publishing a project onto pypi, but I think it will be worth it to get people access to this great library.

I am willing to help get the packaging process started. I have never tried to get a package approved by the debian team for inclusion in the core repositories, but I have just built a package for a small python project I built, so I should be able to help at least getting it in a PPA or a private server.

vpelletier commented 7 years ago

Hello. Thanks for your support ! Actually, I know (at least) two DDs, both experienced in packaging python packages, so I'll propose them to package python-libusb1 (and will propose them to name it like that modulo interpreter version, but I don't know if there is a naming convention for the right-hand side of that name).

diamondman commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that sounds perfect. I frankly do not care what it is called, though as you point out it should be python-* and python3-*, I would just like access to this library outside of the context of pip. I appreciate it.

vpelletier commented 7 years ago

I filled a WNPP bug requesting for packaging.

vpelletier commented 7 years ago

python-libusb1 is now in sid (in 3 packages: python-, python3- and pypy-), and should migrate to testing before the upcoming freeze. Yay !