vpenades / SharpGLTF

glTF reader and writer for .NET Standard
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SharpGLTF.Validation.LinkException: Extensions: KHR_draco_mesh_compressionModel ? #180

Closed pigLoveRabbit520 closed 1 year ago

pigLoveRabbit520 commented 1 year ago

The asset is valid.


Reading glb with draco compression

var model = SharpGLTF.Schema2.ModelRoot.Load("new.glb");
var str = model.GetJsonPreview();

got error

Unhandled exception. SharpGLTF.Validation.LinkException: Extensions: KHR_draco_mesh_compressionModel generated by <> seems to be malformed; Please, check the file at https://github.khronos.org/glTF-Validator/
   at SharpGLTF.Schema2.ReadContext._FilterErrors(ValueTuple`2 mv)
   at SharpGLTF.Schema2.ReadContext.ReadBinarySchema2(Stream stream)
   at SharpGLTF.Schema2.ReadContext.ReadSchema2(Stream stream)
   at SharpGLTF.Schema2.ReadContext.ReadSchema2(String resourceName)
   at SharpGLTF.Schema2.ModelRoot.Load(String filePath, ReadSettings settings)
   at Program.<Main>$(String[] args) in D:\glb_run\Program.cs:line 2

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vpenades commented 1 year ago