vpinball / pinmame

PinMAME - Pinball Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
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Add the joystick driver #140

Open wiesshund opened 1 year ago

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

As we are beginning to get an increasing amount of people who are playing via VR controllers or playing via gamepads Is it possible to add a version of the MAME joystick driver to VPinmame?

for the few tables that require it (baby pacman, granny and the gators, that i know of) it could allow them to map their analog sticks to the up down left right buttons.

that isnt an issue for an arcade style controller because those sticks are normally digtal input but we are gathering a number of people playing now days with your typical input device, an xbox like gamepad

This would eliminate them having to juggle 3rd party controller translation/emulation softwares

I am assuming that VPX would not interfere with VPinMAME seeing the analog input?

toxieainc commented 1 year ago

Hmmm.. I guess this should rather be mapped via VPX and scripting, but the details will require some work..

toxieainc commented 1 year ago

Also dupe of your own #67 ;)

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

oh, lol sorry then for dupe

only thing with vpx and scripting i see is VPX does not see dpads or analogs, aside from nudge and plungers or multiple controllers

But i suppose it could be made to easily enough? Ok not easily but.