Machines using the DataEast controller represented by DE.VBS used an odd flipper control setup which facilitated staged flippers, which is not represented in the machine controller itself
The offloaded all flipper function from the logic board into dedicated external boards referred to as SSFB.
The logic was bypassed, flipper power was routed directly to the SSFB
EOS was not even used.
The SSFB handled switching the high current to the flipper solenoids, and a watchdog timer handled varying the voltage
instead of using the EOS switch.
Flipper buttons were connected the the SSFB via low voltage circuits
Presently VPM is only aware of the flipper function as presented in the logic board
Which only represents a single left and right flipper.
This prevents staged flippers from happening accurately in the machines that offered it.
It can be done via script be it is not truly authentic.
Proposal is to rebuild that portion of the emulation used by that DataEast controller
(represented by DE.VBS, DE2.VBS controllers already support the functionality)
The expected outcome would be to provide a fixed pair of solenoids, outside the normal matrix, to represent the independent staged flippers, so that if VPM sees the switch designated in the VBS for the upper left and upper right flippers, provided that flipper activity is valid, that the added pair of solenoids activate.
This should be enough to emulate the SSFB since VPM is not concerned with the other intricacies of the FFSB boards
That would in turn allow accurate emulation of the machines that used this setup.
No change to the existing need be made, as they suffice to operate the main flippers fine, though technically inaccurate.
(Because machines using the FFSB bypassed the normal flipper circuit entirely)
@toxieainc - as requested.
Machines using the DataEast controller represented by DE.VBS used an odd flipper control setup which facilitated staged flippers, which is not represented in the machine controller itself
The offloaded all flipper function from the logic board into dedicated external boards referred to as SSFB.
The logic was bypassed, flipper power was routed directly to the SSFB EOS was not even used. The SSFB handled switching the high current to the flipper solenoids, and a watchdog timer handled varying the voltage instead of using the EOS switch. Flipper buttons were connected the the SSFB via low voltage circuits
Presently VPM is only aware of the flipper function as presented in the logic board Which only represents a single left and right flipper. This prevents staged flippers from happening accurately in the machines that offered it. It can be done via script be it is not truly authentic.
Proposal is to rebuild that portion of the emulation used by that DataEast controller (represented by DE.VBS, DE2.VBS controllers already support the functionality) The expected outcome would be to provide a fixed pair of solenoids, outside the normal matrix, to represent the independent staged flippers, so that if VPM sees the switch designated in the VBS for the upper left and upper right flippers, provided that flipper activity is valid, that the added pair of solenoids activate.
This should be enough to emulate the SSFB since VPM is not concerned with the other intricacies of the FFSB boards
That would in turn allow accurate emulation of the machines that used this setup.
No change to the existing need be made, as they suffice to operate the main flippers fine, though technically inaccurate. (Because machines using the FFSB bypassed the normal flipper circuit entirely)