vpinball / pinmame

PinMAME - Pinball Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
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Volume in ROMS gets reset when updating to new Vpinmame #342

Open Urkz opened 2 weeks ago

Urkz commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I have tried asking on forums but no real positive answer, i thought this would be the place to get a definitive answer :) I have altered the volume levels with a number of table roms , yet if i update my Vpinmame the volumes in the ROMs are reset to as they were. (ive kept a backup folder of Vpinmame with my volume alterations)

I have tried just copying over the ROMs thinking that might be the issue, but the volumes are reset even though they are copied over from a backup folder where they were lowered.

Is this just what happens or is there a workaround ?


mjrgh commented 2 weeks ago

You're talking about using the in-game volume controls, such as using the 8/9 keys in WPC games? If so, then the settings aren't stored in the ROM files themselves (since those are treated like what the name literally says, Read Only), which is why saving and restoring those makes no difference. The in-game settings via the ROM program are stored in simulated non-volatile RAM, which is in the .nv files in the NVRAM folder under PinMame. So saving and restoring those files should restore the settings.

Urkz commented 2 weeks ago

The actual ROM volumes using Vpinmame to alter. Hmmm im sure i tried copying over a saved nvram folder but that didnt work. Ill have another go tomorrow, cheers for input.

Karl030167 commented 2 weeks ago

"official" rom settings changes, such as 8/9 in WPC, or similar, are stored in .nv file. This is equivalent with real hardware, where these settings are stored in a separate non-volatile-ram besides the game ROM. Changes with the "tilde" function in vpinmame are stored in another separate file, the [romname].cfg in /user folder Setting changes in F1 menu are stored in a third place - the windows registry

toxieainc commented 1 week ago

@Urkz Did you use the official VPinball installer to update? Cause then some nvram files may be overwritten. If you update manually (=copying files on your own), then there are no nvram files included.

Urkz commented 1 week ago

Sorry about bit late reply, ive been experimenting. I unblock whenever i download a new VPX or Vpinmame, if i save the cfg folder with saved values for tables they are reset when i go to test within Vpinmame. I have tried putting in a saved cfg folder after updating Vpinmame and the values are reset, is there something im overlooking?

I just tried it again just now with a cfg folder of loads of altered table data when i copy and paste it back , its reset.