vpmalley / jetlag

Bases of a future travel blog platform
MIT License
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Use oAuth2 protocol for the API #56

Open vpmalley opened 8 years ago

vpmalley commented 8 years ago

Il y a Passeport pour ça, mais il faudra une nouvelle version de laravel pour ça https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/passport

Vallenain commented 8 years ago

Do we need it at the moment ? I think the cookie-based session prevents non authorized users to access our API endpoints, right ? (about the Laravel upgrade, I'm ok with it, cf https://github.com/vpmalley/jetlag/issues/19#issuecomment-262387453 :) )

vpmalley commented 8 years ago

yeah it's a long-term feature (not in the beta milestone). I created this isssue to offload it from my memory