The maths equations for an incident reading are different to that of reflective readings.
Which of the two does this code use?
There is reference to using a dome, with correction factor in the code, which would indicate this is an incident meter, however the pictures do not show a dome?
It is now possible to buy a BH1750 sensor with dome, so this would be a good option if the code is an incident meter.
Has anybody built the meter & compared the readings to a professional meter?
Hi, The maths equations for an incident reading are different to that of reflective readings.
Which of the two does this code use?
There is reference to using a dome, with correction factor in the code, which would indicate this is an incident meter, however the pictures do not show a dome?
It is now possible to buy a BH1750 sensor with dome, so this would be a good option if the code is an incident meter.
Has anybody built the meter & compared the readings to a professional meter?