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gmanager не работает #40

Open irbees2008 opened 3 years ago

irbees2008 commented 3 years ago

Не работает,устанавливается,настраивается,но при включении

NGCMS Runtime exception: ArgumentCountError

Too few arguments to function plugin_gmanager_category(), 0 passed in /home/www/xn--d1acpqfjh.xn--p1ai/engine/includes/inc/extras.inc.php on line 587 and exactly 1 expected

Stack trace

# | Line # | Class/Function | File name -- | -- | -- | -- X | 534 | 0 | /home/www/xn--d1acpqfjh.xn--p1ai/engine/plugins/gmanager/gmanager.php 0 | 587 | plugin_gmanager_category | /home/www/xn--d1acpqfjh.xn--p1ai/engine/includes/inc/extras.inc.php 1 | 98 | executeActionHandler | /home/www/xn--d1acpqfjh.xn--p1ai/index.php