vporton / carbon-flow

Secure counting carbon credits and retire carbon credits
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 3 forks source link

Wallet PoC #1

Open aurelvb opened 3 years ago

aurelvb commented 3 years ago

I understand this has been proofed on your own blockchain. The aim of entering this contest is to have a PoC we can demonstrate to stakeholders.

I understand the cost of running this on the ETH blockchain, would it be possible though to integrate your own blockchain into a smart wallet and demonstrate the transactions ?

vporton commented 3 years ago

@aurelvb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8q0rlrQqQc demonstrates it with a demo using a Web browser with crypto support to watch token transfers and accomplishing retirement.

"Testing" section of https://github.com/vporton/carbon-flow/blob/main/README.md explains how to do it on any Ethereum-compatible blockchain in details.

What do you mean by "integrate your own blockchain into a smart wallet"?