vprimachenko / Sublime-Colorcoder

Semantic highlight for Sublime Text
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Getting this error when removed #45

Open totty90 opened 9 years ago

totty90 commented 9 years ago

"Error loading colour scheme Packages/Colorcoder/Afterglow (Colorcoded) (Colorcoded) (Colorcoded).tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file in file "Packages/Colorcoder/Afterglow (Colorcoded) (Colorcoded) (Colorcoded).tmTheme""


vprimachenko commented 9 years ago

after colorcoder is deinstalled the modified schemes are gone too, so you need to select an still present scheme from the appropriate menu. I will try to automate this process, now an plugin_deinstall hook is available from package control

totty90 commented 9 years ago


totty90 commented 9 years ago

I cannot install because ST2 doesn't open anymore: https://github.com/vprimachenko/Sublime-Colorcoder/issues/46

vprimachenko commented 9 years ago

You can just delete the ST2/data/installed packages/Colorcoder.sublime-package from your Data\Installed Packages folder. The ST2/data/packages/user/colorcoder.sublime-settings Sorry for inconvenience.

totty90 commented 9 years ago

I've done that and now is messed up. I get this annoyng error like 20 times and still poping up: "Error loading color scheme Packages/Colorcoder/Monokay(colorcoded).tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file in file Packages/Colorcoder/Monokay(colorcoded).tmTheme

Also my color theme is gone and can't view any file. You have made something terribly wrong with this package and I can't recover from it..

vprimachenko commented 9 years ago

have you set up another theme? You can do it via menu, or editing sublime settings file while its not running (eg removing the color_scheme setting entirely).

xixixao commented 9 years ago

Any time I change the color_scheme and save it overwrites to a name under Colorcoder (although it doesn't load it from there because I deleted the folder). The uninstallation of Colorcoder is really, I'm sorry, fucked up... So my problem was that I have installed Colorcoder through Package Control, but the uninstallation through Package Control doesn't work. I had to manually remove it from the installed packages files...

WhereJuly commented 7 years ago

Hi guys. Just a bit of foreword before I tackle how I managed to manually remove the package (and then install it again:)).

I liked the Colorcoder (with advised Java​Script​Next - ES6 Syntax ) for my JavaScript development very much. It delivers what is really needed and what is not done by color schemes or themes. So thank you to the author :)

But the package, after you install it, really blocks changing the color schemes and themes. And it is difficult to manually remove.

A. So my approach to installing color schemes / themes here is:

B. As soon as you are ready to change the color scheme, delete the Colorcoder manually (talking ST3 + Windows 8 here)

At this point you are ready to go back to item A above to experiment with the new color scheme.

@vprimachenko Thanks for the package again :+1:

tahakhan88 commented 6 years ago

The best way it fixed the issue for me was to CTRL+SHIFT+P > Disable Package. Because uninstalling it wrecks the software even after uninstalling sublime the effects stays and it keeps throwing all these errors.

GSN3 commented 4 years ago

The best way it fixed the issue for me was to CTRL+SHIFT+P > Disable Package. Because uninstalling it wrecks the software even after uninstalling sublime the effects stays and it keeps throwing all these errors.

You're right!,,,was the only option that worked for me!..thanks a lot.

kapitanluffy commented 4 years ago

Hi guys! Not to hijack but I created a plugin inspired by this one. You can check it out in package control.