vpzed / Destiny2-API-Info

Some unofficial information I've collected about the Bungie Destiny 2 API
MIT License
151 stars 13 forks source link

Hello, Can I translate this article and publish it in the Chinese player community? #3

Open Tian-que opened 3 years ago

Tian-que commented 3 years ago

I am currently making Destiny 2 robots. This article inspired me a lot. At the same time, I hope more Chinese players learn how to use Bungie api.

vpzed commented 3 years ago

Hello, There are links on the repo to allow contribution. You can fork, make a new Chinese section with your translations, and submit a pull request and include that you did this work for attribution of your contribution A few different people have contributed since I first made this wiki. Also keep in mind that I haven't played Destiny in a while, so this may not be the most up to date information. When I was developing for the Destiny API there was almost nothing which is why I made this, but I haven't been keeping up with changes. The official info is at https://github.com/Bungie-net/api