Open merihdeniz19 opened 1 year ago
i also ran into this issue and i created a script to convert from hovernet's json files to geojson. i am using the pannuke model weights. if you are using a different model, you will probably have to change the type_mapping
"""Convert HoverNet outputs to GeoJSON format."""
import argparse
import gzip
import json
from pathlib import Path
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
type_mapping = {
0: "nolabel",
1: "neoplastic",
2: "inflammatory",
3: "connective",
4: "necrosis",
5: "non-neoplastic",
def hovernet_to_feature_dict(instance_id: int, d: dict):
# Convert to polygon to verify that coordinates
# are valid.
poly = Polygon(d["contour"])
coordinates = list(poly.exterior.coords)
return {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": coordinates,
"properties": {
"instance_id": int(instance_id),
"type_str": type_mapping[d["type"]],
"type_int": d["type"],
"type_prob": d["type_prob"],
def hovernet_to_geojson(d: dict):
assert "nuc" in d.keys(), "expected 'nuc' key"
assert "mag" in d.keys(), "expected 'mag' key"
assert d["mag"] == 40, "this script was designed for mag=40x"
features = [hovernet_to_feature_dict(ii, dd) for ii, dd in d["nuc"].items()]
return {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": features,
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
p.add_argument("input", help="JSON file with HoverNet predictions.")
p.add_argument("output", help="Output GeoJSON file")
args = p.parse_args()
if not Path(args.input).exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Input file not found: {args.input}")
if Path(args.output).exists():
raise FileExistsError(f"Output file exists: {args.output}")
print("Reading HoverNet polygons...")
openfn = if args.input.endswith("gz") else open
with openfn(args.input) as f:
d = json.load(f)
print("Converting to GeoJSON...")
geojson = hovernet_to_geojson(d)
print(f"Writing output to {args.output}")
openfn = if args.output.endswith("gz") else open
with openfn(args.output, "wt") as f:
json.dump(geojson, f)
Good work @kaczmarj
one thing i learned is that if the original slide is 20X, the coordinates from hovernet need to be scaled by 1/2. otherwise the coordinates won't overlap with the nuclei
Hi, I ran infer with WSI mode and was wondering if there's any way of converting the JSON files to GeoJSON or any other format compatible with Qupath. Thank you so much!