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SQL Server Plugin - Add support for MySQL Databases #58

Open ger-pakon opened 3 years ago

ger-pakon commented 3 years ago


would be great to have support for MySQL Databases in the SQL-Server Plugin. I just use Linux to run my VRS and a MySQL Instance is runnig on this box, too. I also not found an express edition for linux, so I need to buy an aditional license.

Thanks, Pakon

reedy commented 2 years ago

https://hub.docker.com/_/microsoft-mssql-server?tab=description seems to suggest there's ways to run Express

Start a mssql-server instance running as the SQL Express edition

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=yourStrong(!)Password" -e "MSSQL_PID=Express" -p 1433:1433 -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest 


Express edition is the entry-level, free database and is ideal for learning and building desktop and small server data-driven applications. It is the best choice for independent software vendors, developers, and hobbyists building client applications. If you need more advanced database features, SQL Server Express can be seamlessly upgraded to other higher end versions of SQL Server.

See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/64534751

This of course doesn't mean that MySQL support would be a bad thing...