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India Bureaucracy data notes #8

Open vrathi0 opened 7 months ago

vrathi0 commented 7 months ago

I will be putting detailed notes on IAS and various state CS data, focussing on availability, source, and some salient characteristics. The goal right now ( Feb 2024) is to assess what data is available, where and what do I need more.

Data exploration notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17R7uy2pmzawIquLnJsrDYjLBEOSGK4h9AVUEE-p00Cg/edit?usp=sharing


Policy/missc Notes

  1. Before 2013, State civil servants could be promoted to IAS just by recommendation. Starting 2013, everyone had to clear an exam and an interview to be considered for a promotion. Upper age limit for State CS here is 54 years. More info here: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/exams-for-state-civil-services-officers-for-promotion-to-ias/articleshow/27861653.cms?from=mdr In the ias_profle data that I have, out of 13k around 39% of the individual have become IAS by getting promoted from State CS.

Data Source:

TCPD ( Ashoka)

Source: https://github.com/tcpd/ias-release tcpd weblink: https://tcpd.ashoka.edu.in/data/

This is potentially quite exhaustive as it covers the universe of IAS officers starting 1951. It is source by TCPD from DoPT main webportal (/supremo) and updated over time.

This is a combination of 3 complementary datasets:

  1. IAS Profile: Following is the list of variables:
[1] "ID"                           "Name"                        
 [3] "Cadre"                        "Allotment_Year"              
 [5] "Date_of_Birth"                "Date_of_Joining"             
 [7] "Source_of_Recruitment"        "Gender"                      
 [9] "Place_of_Domicile"            "Mother_Tongue"               
[11] "Languages_Known"              "Retired"                     
[13] "Retirement_Reason"            "Last_Education_Qualification"
[15] "Last_Education_Subject"       "Last_Education_Division"     
[17] "Last_Designation"             "Last_Level"                  
[19] "Last_Office"                  "Last_Field_of_Experience"    
[21] "Last_Category_of_Experience"  "Last_Start_Date"             
[23] "Last_End_Date"                "Source"                      
[25] "Gender_Source" 
  1. IAS Experience:
 [1] "ID"                     "Name"                   "Cadre"                 
 [4] "Reference_Value"        "Designation"            "Level"                 
 [7] "Office"                 "Organisation"           "Field_of_Experience"   
[10] "Category_of_Experience" "Start_Date"             "End_Date"              
[13] "Source"   
  1. IAS Education
> names(ias_education)
[1] "ID"                  "Name"                "Cadre"               "Reference_Value"    
[5] "Qualification"       "Subject"             "Category_of_Subject" "Division"           
[9] "Source" 

Detailed codebook is present here:SU/Research/Data/IAS-tcpd/ias-release-main/TCPD-IAS-codebook_v1-2.pdf


  1. No District Information: One of the biggest problem for me would that that this data does not have a district/geolocation variable. It does have an "office" variable that sometimes contain district in the text. Looking at this variable somewhere around 12% of the data in office variable contains district information.

Note that the detailed district info is likely not available in the national level Civil list also. At this point, its not clear where this information can be found. One workaround can be manually scrapping DC history list from various district website. Ofcourse, first effort can be towards finding data at state level like I found for RJ and UP

vrathi0 commented 4 weeks ago

Classifying seniority level.

I have classified the seniority level in the TCPD data (code below). However, one pitfal in the followign might be same designation might be different level based on if the posting is at state or center level. For eg, Under Sec in the state is one level below than Under Sec at Center level. Similar with the Deputy Sec. This needs to be taken care of.

lev10=c("Junior Scale","Under Secretary")
lev11=c("Senior Time Scale","Deputy Secretary")
lev12_13=c("Junior Administrative Grade (Ordinary Grade)","Director",
       "Junior Administrative Grade (Selection Grade)")
lev14=c("Senior Administrative Grade","Joint Secretary")
lev15=c("Additional Secretary","Higher Administrative Grade","Above Secretary Level")
lev16=c("HAG +","Secretary")
lev17=c("Apex Scale")
lev18=c("Cabinet Secretary")

ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev10]="10"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev11]="11"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev12_13]="12_13"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev14]="14"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev15]="15"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev16]="16"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev17]="17"
ias_exp$lvl[ias_exp$level_eq %in% lev18]="18"