vrchat-community / EasyQuestSwitch

EasyQuestSwitch is a Unity editor tool developed for VRChat world creators, it can automate changes to components within a scene as soon as the build platform is changed from PC to Android (for Oculus Quest) or vice versa.
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Object reference exceptions when switching platforms or using Build & Publish #7

Closed JordoVR closed 2 years ago

JordoVR commented 2 years ago

This is with 1.1.1 and presumably 2019. Check thread: https://twitter.com/mimyquality/status/1441048316188377093

East-vrc commented 2 years ago

日本語ですいません、UnityVer.4.31fからEasyQuesttoolのQuestbuildの調子が悪いです。 具体的に言うと、Questbuild中に NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object EasyQuestSwitch.EQS_Data.CheckTarget (UnityEditor.BuildTarget newTarget) (at Assets/EasyQuestSwitch/EQS_Data.cs:147) EasyQuestSwitch.EQS_Data.Update () (at Assets/EasyQuestSwitch/EQS_Data.cs:119) というエラーが発生し、buildが止まります。 対処方法も分かりました。EasyQuesttoolを立ち上げるとQuest対応させるObjectの適用が完了しましたと出ますので その後buildさせると成功します。逆にいうとそれがないとエラーが発生するので、 以前のversionではしなくてもよかったので4.31fからのバグなんでしょうか・・・

Legoman99573 commented 2 years ago

What I did to EQS_Data.cs to get rid of the message spam:

        private void Update()
                NewBuildTarget = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget;
                if (CachedBuildTarget != NewBuildTarget && Objects != null) CheckTarget(NewBuildTarget);
                CachedBuildTarget = NewBuildTarget;
            catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                //Debug.Log("Failed to grab data");

This also happens when tabbing back into unity.

JordoVR commented 2 years ago

This issue is now fixed with release 1.1.2: https://github.com/JordoVR/EasyQuestSwitch/releases/tag/v1.1.2

East-vrc commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the correction.