vrctxl / VideoTXL

Sync and local video players for VRChat with design consideration for events.
MIT License
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Problems with auto mode on player #1

Closed Tummy-git closed 2 years ago

Tummy-git commented 2 years ago

When having the input field for the sync player set to auto. When trying to play Youtube stream link. The log only say "Error details: Unspecified error". It works when you specify that it's a stream. Vimeo video links only works when field is set to stream but not auto or video. But it detects the video as a stream when putting it in a playlist.

The following is the logs i get when i try to put a Youtube stream into the player when it's on auto.

2021.10.04 11:48:53 Log        -  [VideoTXL:SyncPlayer] Start video load https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1mWb7bFjXQ

2021.10.04 11:48:53 Log        -  [VideoTXL:ScreenManager] Capture valid

2021.10.04 11:48:53 Log        -  [Video Playback] Attempting to resolve URL 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1mWb7bFjXQ'

2021.10.04 11:48:53 Log        -  NativeProcess.Start: started process id [17768]: C:/Users/MYNAME/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat
/VRChat\Tools/youtube-dl.exe (...)

2021.10.04 11:48:56 Log        -  [API] Received Message of type: friend-location received at 10/04/2021 09:48:56 UTC

2021.10.04 11:48:56 Log        -  NativeProcess.HasExited: process exited with code 0, took 2862 ms. Command line: C:/Users/Anders/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/youtube-dl.exe (...)

2021.10.04 11:48:56 Log        -  [Video Playback] URL 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1mWb7bFjXQ' resolved to 'https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/expire/1633362534/ei/Bs5aYeG5OIb11wLeyI2oCA/ip/,24007246/mt/1633340672/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRQIhAIkA2Ss3uIm321yVh0IpHCuNoEbvHCcRbH5fsomdU6w7AiBEQPLlBZUpaHfmm9gLsFjg9VqPCvctpcsMFsFaIZY-rQ%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl/lsig/AG3C_xAwRQIgKIuxzS8m2b1TSp_jtQSkvZctODjm5DZnnubRo-9YUYoCIQDwOyj-rtQf0gNWyt9M20Og05jG2toP1Zblt-FRVamHWg%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8'

2021.10.04 11:48:56 Error      -  WindowsVideoMedia error 0x80004005 while reading https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/hls_playlist/expire/1633362534/ei/Bs5aYeG5OIb11wLeyI2oCA/ip/,24007246/mt/1633340672/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AOq0QJ8wRQIhAIkA2Ss3uIm321yVh0IpHCuNoEbvHCcRbH5fsomdU6w7AiBEQPLlBZUpaHfmm9gLsFjg9VqPCvctpcsMFsFaIZY-rQ%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl/lsig/AG3C_xAwRQIgKIuxzS8m2b1TSp_jtQSkvZctODjm5DZnnubRo-9YUYoCIQDwOyj-rtQf0gNWyt9M20Og05jG2toP1Zblt-FRVamHWg%3D%3D/playlist/index.m3u8

Context: MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL
Error details: Unspecified error

Track types:
jaquadro commented 2 years ago

Thanks, didn't notice I had a couple issues opened on the repo here. The youtube stream issue is a limitation of auto mode right now because the links can't be distinguished. The solution will be to try and fall back to stream mode if video mode fails here.

Can you give me an example vimeo url?

Tummy-git commented 2 years ago

No problem, no hurry. Yes. seems like a reasonable solution.

This is the one that have been experimented with earlier. https://vimeo.com/305547899 Seems to work some times without reason for me. But i mostly get video error.

And if I use this link https://vimeo.com/200321814 while in auto it goes to auto stream and plays music, but no video.

jaquadro commented 2 years ago

As of latest release, the player will fall back to stream mode if video mode produces a specific error code, this should allow youtube live streams to load on the fallback pass when the player is in auto mode.