vrk-kpa / xroad-joint-development

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Generate Anchor file is wrong? #217

Closed nguyenhabkit closed 6 years ago

nguyenhabkit commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm Ha and I'm a newbie in x-road. As I followed the x-road central server install user guide and the x-road security server install user guide, I installed x-road center server and security server successfully. But when I generate anchor file from the center server to upload from security server side it's unsuccessful. This in content of the anchor file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

2018-04-02T04:11:52.254Z nguyenha123 MIICqTCCAZGgAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0FADAOMQwwCgYDVQQDDANOL0EwHhcNNzAwMTAxMDAwMDAwWhcNMzgwMTAxMDAwMDAwWjAOMQwwCgYDVQQDDANOL0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC4ne48Y1XGlaKmyNWztKcX2psK+gk2PdaEF33gksHm0Z8ZDmnetVc7nHjuRCi2X14LNHXglqt8WogL8ouvaCs4tK7pioGepCmBi0WAZDCKk77GRDEux5z7zqVxcbceRE/p0u06P1y1lPLxER8QPRp2phCvyMT4YlY7WBPv8gY67LKwrLesZ4MAEYY/InDm47M92aCpSpz8daze6kK8rlTe3qfh27mzphO9X4fa8Ci2bAxEE+IFhp3JDcJOm6gM9+tCC9pnj7+bSY3o8Ucp7uMc+v2NPLlDpFwRPthGsIuwcyaFXpgI3uglKWCheXCQUC/OeIxs0Q+0W/CBroVZmxnrAgMBAAGjEjAQMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIGQDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQ0FAAOCAQEAhJNx5HQOjJaCxvuvm6+fEMWY1C+V7LqMd1FqgGH9QADp9N7hB663b1dJss0JkUMVwXb6x2B+6Tfd2zcGFonw0cnZdQ+IbVLgNKcRpLd1wHx7NOw3PT7z1yflmgseclp6sg+qyYJlsv48P7lc+Rmc0qQ3f6OnJ8jO6wFGTd6G7lAOJJWnXl5oh9mhplhMC0gtt44r6EtSxcZjQKiUlE0wnWNxT5ple6lK2INYRhjyD3JBNcFnQRhQ/+llJB50lUrF60uvU5Kh/SKV+kfhpSt7s9l5sMMGffLLw3VqB6wjRNM7+DgYEC4tWxOnX3d7BIMh8FfkaTnLg+5ff0JHymPBLA== It's 404 error when I access link: Please help me, what 's wrong is there?
petkivim commented 6 years ago

Hi Ha,

You're using a private IP address in the downloadURL element:


Using a private IP is OK if ALL your security servers are in the same network with Central Server - you cannot access a private IP address over the Internet. If your security servers are in a different network and/or you need to be able to access global configuration over the Internet then the global configuration should be published using a public IP.

By the way, have you heard about the X-Road community? Check out the community site and join:


Regards, Petteri

nguyenhabkit commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your answer, but I just access the address on my center server directly, and still 404 error.

JyrgenSuvalov commented 6 years ago

Do you have any error messages in the Central Server interface? Any ERROR messages in logs? What do /var/log/xroad/.global_conf_gen_status and /var/log/xroad/xroad_globalconf_signed-internalconf say?

nguyenhabkit commented 6 years ago

This is error message in the Central Server interface: xr-err In /var/log/xroad/.global_conf_gen_status has just only 1 line : {"time":1522730221.525,"success":false} And I don't see the file name: /var/log/xroad/xroad_globalconf_signed-internalconf, But I see the signer.log show many error in the attach file can you see it: signer.log

JyrgenSuvalov commented 6 years ago

Have you completed all the requires steps mentioned in the user guide? https://github.com/ria-ee/X-Road/blob/develop/doc/Manuals/ig-cs_x-road_6_central_server_installation_guide.md#33-configuring-the-central-server-and-the-management-services-security-server.

It's likely you're missing some configuration elements that are required for generating the global configuration.

nguyenhabkit commented 6 years ago

You're right, I did not follow these steps carefully, I just only installed the central server and then generated the global configuration. Thank you so much!