Closed lanistor closed 8 months ago
I believe I have one of this displays you sent me so I will make some tests over the week and let you know. Please copy your epdiy initialization since I would like to know what display you are using ( EpdDisplay_t declaration )
I believe I have one of this displays you sent me so I will make some tests over the week and let you know. Please copy your epdiy initialization since I would like to know what display you are using ( EpdDisplay_t declaration )
Thanks a lot.
Here is my code, changed example/demo/main/main.c
at branch s3_lcd
a little (paint mode):
/* Simple firmware for a ESP32 displaying a static image on an EPaper Screen.
* Write an image into a header file using a 3...2...1...0 format per pixel,
* for 4 bits color (16 colors - well, greys.) MSB first. At 80 MHz, screen
* clears execute in 1.075 seconds and images are drawn in 1.531 seconds.
#include <esp_heap_caps.h>
#include <esp_log.h>
#include <esp_sleep.h>
#include <esp_timer.h>
#include <esp_types.h>
#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <epdiy.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "firasans_12.h"
#include "firasans_20.h"
#include "img_beach.h"
#include "img_board.h"
#include "img_zebra.h"
// choose the default demo board depending on the architecture
#define DEMO_BOARD epd_board_v5
#elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3)
#define DEMO_BOARD epd_board_v7
EpdiyHighlevelState hl;
void idf_setup() {
epd_init(&DEMO_BOARD, &ED060SCT, EPD_LUT_64K);
// Set VCOM for boards that allow to set this in software (in mV).
// This will print an error if unsupported. In this case,
// set VCOM using the hardware potentiometer and delete this line.
hl = epd_hl_init(WAVEFORM);
// Default orientation is EPD_ROT_LANDSCAPE
"Dimensions after rotation, width: %d height: %d\n\n", epd_rotated_display_width(),
void delay(uint32_t millis) {
vTaskDelay(millis / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
static inline void checkError(enum EpdDrawError err) {
if (err != EPD_DRAW_SUCCESS) {
ESP_LOGE("demo", "draw error: %X", err);
void draw_progress_bar(int x, int y, int width, int percent, uint8_t* fb) {
const uint8_t white = 0xFF;
const uint8_t black = 0x0;
EpdRect border = {
.x = x,
.y = y,
.width = width,
.height = 20,
epd_fill_rect(border, white, fb);
epd_draw_rect(border, black, fb);
EpdRect bar = {
.x = x + 5,
.y = y + 5,
.width = (width - 10) * percent / 100,
.height = 10,
epd_fill_rect(bar, black, fb);
checkError(epd_hl_update_area(&hl, MODE_DU, epd_ambient_temperature(), border));
void idf_loop() {
// select the font based on display width
const EpdFont* font;
if (epd_width() < 1000) {
font = &FiraSans_12;
} else {
font = &FiraSans_20;
uint8_t* fb = epd_hl_get_framebuffer(&hl);
int temperature = epd_ambient_temperature();
printf("current temperature: %d\n", temperature);
epd_fill_circle(30, 30, 15, 0, fb);
int cursor_x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2;
int cursor_y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 - 100;
EpdFontProperties font_props = epd_font_properties_default();
font_props.flags = EPD_DRAW_ALIGN_CENTER;
char srotation[32];
sprintf(srotation, "Loading demo...\nRotation: %d", epd_get_rotation());
epd_write_string(font, srotation, &cursor_x, &cursor_y, fb, &font_props);
int bar_x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2 - 200;
int bar_y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2;
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
draw_progress_bar(bar_x, bar_y, 400, i * 10, fb);
cursor_x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2;
cursor_y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 + 100;
font, "Just kidding,\n this is a demo animation 😉", &cursor_x, &cursor_y, fb, &font_props
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
draw_progress_bar(bar_x, bar_y, 400, 50 - i * 10, fb);
cursor_y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 + 200;
cursor_x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2;
EpdRect clear_area = {
.x = 0,
.y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 + 100,
.width = epd_rotated_display_width(),
.height = 300,
epd_fill_rect(clear_area, 0xFF, fb);
font, "Now let's look at some pictures.", &cursor_x, &cursor_y, fb, &font_props
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
EpdRect zebra_area = {
.x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2 - img_zebra_width / 2,
.y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 - img_zebra_height / 2,
.width = img_zebra_width,
.height = img_zebra_height,
epd_draw_rotated_image(zebra_area, img_zebra_data, fb);
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
EpdRect board_area = {
.x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2 - img_board_width / 2,
.y = epd_rotated_display_height() / 2 - img_board_height / 2,
.width = img_board_width,
.height = img_board_height,
epd_draw_rotated_image(board_area, img_board_data, fb);
cursor_x = epd_rotated_display_width() / 2;
cursor_y = board_area.y;
font_props.flags |= EPD_DRAW_BACKGROUND;
epd_write_string(font, "↓ Thats the V2 board. ↓", &cursor_x, &cursor_y, fb, &font_props);
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
clock_t start = clock();
EpdRect border_rect = {
.x = 20,
.y = 20,
.width = epd_rotated_display_width() - 40,
.height = epd_rotated_display_height() - 40};
epd_draw_rect(border_rect, 0, fb);
cursor_x = 50;
cursor_y = 100;
"➸ 16 color grayscale\n"
"➸ ~250ms - 1700ms for full frame draw 🚀\n"
"➸ Use with 6\" or 9.7\" EPDs\n"
"➸ High-quality font rendering ✎🙋\n"
"➸ Partial update\n"
"➸ Arbitrary transitions with vendor waveforms",
&cursor_x, &cursor_y, fb
EpdRect img_beach_area = {
.x = 0,
.y = epd_rotated_display_height() - img_beach_height,
.width = img_beach_width,
.height = img_beach_height,
epd_draw_rotated_image(img_beach_area, img_beach_data, fb);
checkError(epd_hl_update_screen(&hl, MODE_DU, temperature));
printf("#### use time: %ldms\n", clock() - start);
printf("going to sleep...\n");
void app_main() {
while (1) {
Hm, that looks strange. Can you test with the ED047TC2 waveform? That could give us a hint to if it's a waveform or a hardware issue.
Hm, that looks strange. Can you test with the ED047TC2 waveform? That could give us a hint to if it's a waveform or a hardware issue.
OK, i will test it soon.
Hm, that looks strange. Can you test with the ED047TC2 waveform? That could give us a hint to if it's a waveform or a hardware issue.
@vroland Yeah, i found ED047TC2 waveform
rendering much better than ED060SCT waveform
on v5
Here are the result videos of ED047TC2
and ED060SCT
waveform on screen ED060SCP
, using v5
board and branch s3_lcd
ED060SCT waveform
ED047TC2 waveform
But on s3
board, ED047TC2 waveform
seems still unclear.
Hm, that's weird, because the vendor waveforms which the ED047TC1/2 are should work exactly the same on both boards. I guess you could try to reduce the bus speed on the S3 and see if that changes anything? Maybe it's pushing the screen too fast?
Got it, i will test it again.
Now i'm using ED047TC2 waveform
to let ED060SC7
have a good behavior, but ED060SCE
still not so perfect, even i changed the bus_speed
to 11
Will these screens have a better waveform file, or other optimization?
I got the differrence between ED060SC7
and ED060SCE
, the ED060SC7
has an extra IC, i heard this is an Amazon encryption chip.
I saw their waveforms, seems exactly the same.
Hm, supposedly you can dump the waveform from these chips somehow, but the format is not documented afaik. I hope to eventually build something like a waveform generator that can generate different waveforms to try, but that requires some more investigation. Waveforms are kind of the bane of driving the screens yourself, they are hard to get and can even vary from batch to batch of the same display...
Hm, supposedly you can dump the waveform from these chips somehow, but the format is not documented afaik. I hope to eventually build something like a waveform generator that can generate different waveforms to try, but that requires some more investigation. Waveforms are kind of the bane of driving the screens yourself, they are hard to get and can even vary from batch to batch of the same display...
Yeah, i also found the problem using my displays: vary from batch to batch of the same display
Now i will close this issue, i know it's really hard to compatible.
Using the lastest
branch, rendering the screenED060SCP
, the rendering seems not clear, here is the result:Also tested the
board, has the same problem, usingMODE_DU
mode, the font has rough edges, here is the result:Are there some optimization options that I didn't do? Or the screen has some problem?
And here is the datasheet of