vrruiz / visualino

A desktop version of Roboblocks, a block-based programming environment for Arduino.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
42 stars 39 forks source link

Debian package errors #6

Closed vrruiz closed 4 years ago

vrruiz commented 9 years ago

dpkg-buildpackage: source-only upload: Debian-native package Now running lintian... W: visualino source: no-section-field-for-source E: visualino source: source-is-missing build-src-Desktop-Debug/visualino E: visualino source: source-is-missing roboblocks/html/javascript/blockly-bq/arduino_compressed.js E: visualino source: source-is-missing roboblocks/html/javascript/blockly-bq/blockly_compressed.js E: visualino source: source-is-missing roboblocks/html/javascript/blockly-bq/blocks_compressed.js E: visualino source: source-is-missing roboblocks/html/javascript/blockly-bq/javascript_compressed.js E: visualino source: source-is-missing roboblocks/html/javascript/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js E: visualino source: build-depends-on-metapackage build-depends: qt5-default W: visualino source: missing-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright apache (paragraph at line 9)

vrruiz commented 9 years ago

Without qt5-default, it will complain about qt version not defined and won't build.

ghost commented 9 years ago


There is another problem with the Debian package, as it also includes parts of the directory where it has been built in the final package.

Example: The package for the i386 architecture currently available on the web has the "tmp" directory inside.

ctemescw@jbuild32:/home/devel/sources/visualino/CONTENTS$ tree tmp tmp └── buildd └── visualino-0.5 └── src ├── config.ini └── html ├── blockly.extensions.js ├── constants.js ├── COPYING.LESER.md ├── COPYING.md ├── img │   └── blocks │   ├── bqmod01.png │   ├── bqmod02.png │   ├── bqmod03.png │   ├── bqmod04.png │   ├── bqmod05.png │   ├── bqmod06.png │   ├── bqmod07.png │   ├── bqmod08.png │   ├── bqmod09.png │   ├── bqmod10.png │   ├── bqmod11.png │   ├── bqservo01.png │   ├── bqservo03.png │   ├── lcd.png │   ├── zum01.png │   ├── zum02.png │   ├── zum03.png │   ├── zum04.png │   ├── zum05.png │   ├── zum06.png │   └── zum07.png ├── index.html ├── javascript │   ├── blockly-bq │   │   ├── arduino_compressed.js │   │   ├── blockly_compressed.js │   │   ├── blocks_compressed.js │   │   ├── COPYING │   │   ├── javascript_compressed.js │   │   └── README.md │   ├── jquery │   │   ├── dist │   │   │   ├── jquery.min.js │   │   │   └── jquery.min.map │   │   └── MIT-LICENSE.txt │   ├── requirejs │   │   └── require.js │   └── underscore │   ├── LICENSE │   ├── README.md │   └── underscore.js ├── lang.js ├── media │   ├── 1x1.gif │   ├── anon.jpeg │   ├── click.mp3 │   ├── click.ogg │   ├── click.wav │   ├── delete.mp3 │   ├── delete.ogg │   ├── delete.wav │   ├── handclosed.cur │   ├── handopen.cur │   ├── progress.gif │   ├── quote0.png │   ├── quote1.png │   └── sprites.png ├── profiles.js ├── README.md ├── roboblocks.js ├── roboblocks.min.js └── visualino.css

13 directories, 60 files

vrruiz commented 9 years ago

Hi Carlos. I'll take a look.

vrruiz commented 9 years ago

For some reason, pbuilder-dist is including the /tmp directory, I don't understand why.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I have very little experience in software packaging for Debian/Ubuntu distros, but I've found a temporary solution for this problem. In the "debian/rules" file I've set the following lines:

override_dh_fixperms: rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/visualino/home dh_fixperms

Lt-Henry commented 4 years ago

When deb package is populated, debhelper tools automatically perform a qmake, make and make install. QMake file src.pro provides a INSTALL= clause, and there is also a INSTALL file at debian directory, which I guess it contains what @vrruiz really wanted to package. This issue can be solved by either using qmake install mechanism or debian provided one.

Besides that, some files are deployed in wrong places. config.ini must be in /etc, not /usr/share, and the icon is better at /usr/share/icons/hicolor/

I will try to submit a pull request