vrtmrz / obsidian-livesync

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Fetch does not mirror remote #355

Open gerroon opened 6 months ago

gerroon commented 6 months ago


The fetch seems to be doing merge while this might be a safe take it makes syncing very complicated. I spent whole day trying to get my phone to be a perfect mirror of the server. It just does not happen. We either need a new way to mirror the remote %100 without any local residues or change the fetch behavior.

Expected behavior

Fetch just does merge with local.

V 0.21 on Windows and IOS

vrtmrz commented 5 months ago

Thank you for opening this issue! And sorry for being absent!

Yes, as you mentioned, it was very complicated. Therefore, since v0.22.0, it could be a bit more simple and efficient. There are still some minor but subtle specifications which could cause some problems, and I will address them later.

However, would you mind if I ask you to check v0.22.0 once to see if it works? Of course, you can do it when you need fetching. I keep this issue open till your report!

I hope that the situation will have got better.