vrtmrz / obsidian-livesync

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Huge number of notes (2400) - replication close #358

Closed stanthewizzard closed 5 months ago

stanthewizzard commented 6 months ago

Hello begining of sync goes well and then stops

05/01/2024, 12:03:29->↑5900 (115891) ↓0 05/01/2024, 12:03:32->↑5902 (115889) ↓0 05/01/2024, 12:03:33->Replication closed 05/01/2024, 12:03:34->↑5938 (115853) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:35->OneShot Sync begin... (sync) 05/01/2024, 13:37:36->Looking for the point last synchronized point. 05/01/2024, 13:37:36->Replication activated 05/01/2024, 13:37:37->↑50 (115796) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:40->↑51 (115795) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:41->↑68 (115778) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:43->↑100 (115746) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:47->↑102 (115744) ↓0 05/01/2024, 13:37:51->Replication closed 05/01/2024, 13:37:52->↑103 (115743) ↓0

I missing a lot of notes ...

Thanks for help

dlphnkck commented 6 months ago

The situation is unfortunate.

  1. Is it reproducible?
  1. Please provide additional information about your environment.

In reference to New Issue inquiry? · vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync · Discussion #327, etc. This will encourage more people to respond. It may increase the number of people willing to respond.

That is all. I wish you good luck.

stanthewizzard commented 6 months ago

docker - obsidian-livesync running 12 hours
CPU 0,2 MEM 1.55G DISK 138G used on 165G available

no icloud drive used (on windows for testing)

Photon os latest

Compose `version: "2.1" services: couchdb: image: couchdb:latest container_name: obsidian-livesync user: 1000:1000 environment:


`[couchdb] single_node=true max_document_size = 50000000

[chttpd] require_valid_user = true max_http_request_size = 4294967296

[chttpd_auth] require_valid_user = true authentication_redirect = /_utils/session.html

[httpd] WWW-Authenticate = Basic realm="couchdb" bind_address = enable_cors = true

[cors] origins = app://obsidian.md,capacitor://localhost,http://localhost credentials = true headers = accept, authorization, content-type, origin, referer methods = GET,PUT,POST,HEAD,DELETE max_age = 3600`

vrtmrz commented 5 months ago

Thank you for opening this issue! At first sight, I was very surprised to see that there was a tremendous number of chunks waiting to be sent. May I ask the total file size of your vault?

And, If you have not configured an enhancing chunk size, please try setting 'Enhance chunk size' to 100 and rebuild the databases once. It works to reduce the number of chunks to 1/100. To rebuild both databases, we can place 'redflag3.md' on top of the vault (which has the fine notes and is backed up), and restart obsidian, instead of using 'Hatch'.

I hope that this information will work for us.

stanthewizzard commented 5 months ago

2gb I already worked with the chunks

vrtmrz commented 5 months ago

I am so relieved to hear that! Sorry that your confusion had not been solved earlier! I close this issue. Thank you for your patience!