vrtmrz / obsidian-livesync

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Sync Issues - How to troubleshoot #470

Open moshin34 opened 1 month ago

moshin34 commented 1 month ago

So, I disregarded the danger signs and setup IBM Cloud ant sync.

I had about 3-4 different clients, and they would prompt from time to time to keep A, or B, or A and B, and I always picked A and B, because frankly I wasn't sure which was which.

However, one day, a lot (not all) of my documents are missing !

Is there a method to trouble shoot this? I just want to come up with a game plan before i move to my own VPS and resume.

Also curious what a best practice is for backing up when you have sync enabled, since icloud backup isnt recommended.


vrtmrz commented 1 month ago

Sorry for being late! And I am also so sorry for your troubles.

To shoot the troubles, we should check what files were corrupted or lost, first. The following method may be effective.

Also curious what a best practice is for backing up when you have sync enabled, since icloud backup isnt recommended.

There are no specific effective methods. On iOS, I usually back the vault up by Simply zipping the vault in the File app before impactful things or about once a month, and usually use Differential ZIP backup for daily usage. (I used to move the zipped files out of the vault with the File app when I saw the opportunity, but recently I also added the ability to upload directly to S3).

moshin34 commented 1 month ago

---- Obsidian info ---- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) obsidian/1.5.12 Chrome/120.0.6099.283 Electron/28.2.3 Safari/537.36 ---- remote config ---- Requesting information from the remote CouchDB has failed. If you are using IBM Cloudant, this is normal behaviour.

---- Plug-in config --- version:0.23.17 remoteType: "" useCustomRequestHandler: false couchDB_URI: cloudant couchDB_USER: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 couchDB_PASSWORD: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 couchDB_DBNAME: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 liveSync: false syncOnSave: false syncOnStart: false savingDelay: 200 lessInformationInLog: false gcDelay: 0 versionUpFlash: "" minimumChunkSize: 20 longLineThreshold: 250 showVerboseLog: false suspendFileWatching: true trashInsteadDelete: true periodicReplication: false periodicReplicationInterval: 60 syncOnFileOpen: false encrypt: true passphrase: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 usePathObfuscation: false doNotDeleteFolder: false resolveConflictsByNewerFile: false batchSave: false batchSaveMinimumDelay: 5 batchSaveMaximumDelay: 60 deviceAndVaultName: "" usePluginSettings: false showOwnPlugins: false showStatusOnEditor: true showStatusOnStatusbar: true showOnlyIconsOnEditor: false usePluginSync: false autoSweepPlugins: false autoSweepPluginsPeriodic: false notifyPluginOrSettingUpdated: false checkIntegrityOnSave: false batch_size: 25 batches_limit: 25 useHistory: true disableRequestURI: true skipOlderFilesOnSync: true checkConflictOnlyOnOpen: false showMergeDialogOnlyOnActive: false syncInternalFiles: false syncInternalFilesBeforeReplication: false syncInternalFilesIgnorePatterns: \/node_modules\/, \/.git\/, \/obsidian-livesync\/ syncInternalFilesInterval: 60 additionalSuffixOfDatabaseName: 99daf0b6a7cf2a4a ignoreVersionCheck: false lastReadUpdates: 22 deleteMetadataOfDeletedFiles: false syncIgnoreRegEx: "" syncOnlyRegEx: "" customChunkSize: 0 readChunksOnline: true watchInternalFileChanges: true automaticallyDeleteMetadataOfDeletedFiles: 0 disableMarkdownAutoMerge: false writeDocumentsIfConflicted: false useDynamicIterationCount: false syncAfterMerge: false configPassphraseStore: "" encryptedPassphrase: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 encryptedCouchDBConnection: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 permitEmptyPassphrase: false useIndexedDBAdapter: true useTimeouts: false writeLogToTheFile: false doNotPaceReplication: false hashCacheMaxCount: 300 hashCacheMaxAmount: 50 concurrencyOfReadChunksOnline: 100 minimumIntervalOfReadChunksOnline: 333 hashAlg: xxhash64 suspendParseReplicationResult: true doNotSuspendOnFetching: false useIgnoreFiles: false ignoreFiles: .gitignore syncOnEditorSave: false pluginSyncExtendedSetting: {} syncMaxSizeInMB: 50 settingSyncFile: "" writeCredentialsForSettingSync: false notifyAllSettingSyncFile: false isConfigured: true settingVersion: 0 enableCompression: false accessKey: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 bucket: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷(0 letters) endpoint: Not configured or AWS region: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷(4 letters) secretKey: 𝑅𝐸𝐷𝐴𝐢𝑇𝐸𝐷 useEden: false maxChunksInEden: 10 maxTotalLengthInEden: 1024 maxAgeInEden: 10 disableCheckingConfigMismatch: false displayLanguage: "" enableChunkSplitterV2: false disableWorkerForGeneratingChunks: false processSmallFilesInUIThread: false notifyThresholdOfRemoteStorageSize: 800 configPassphrase: "" preset: "" syncMode: ONEVENTS dummy: 0

moshin34 commented 1 month ago

thanks for your response. I now see some files im my history. But how can I recover them? I feel like some of them I click, and the header is there, but hte document seems empty. It seems merely clicking them will restore them?