vsTerminus / Discord-NP

Last.FM Now Playing info in your Discord status message
MIT License
43 stars 6 forks source link

Presence only shows sometimes #27

Closed SkyXXth closed 2 years ago

SkyXXth commented 2 years ago

It shows the song playing, but it doesn't show on Discord, but it does work once in a while though. The first, second, and fourth songs did not show, but the third song did work. mojo-discord.log

Thanks in advance!

Edit: After leaving it running for a bit, I got this: Mojo::Reactor::Poll: I/O watcher failed: Use of uninitialized value $guild_id in hash element at C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\par-616e64726577\cache-e76337bf4f6843a907b0961fdb8c48f021de5b97\inc\lib/Mojo/Discord/Gateway.pm line 718.