vsTerminus / Discord-NP

Last.FM Now Playing info in your Discord status message
MIT License
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Android notifications not working when using the script #5

Closed eWU6yS6F closed 7 years ago

eWU6yS6F commented 7 years ago

As above, whenever the script is running I no longer receive android notifications, stop the script and everything works as it should.

is this a limitation, and expected behaviour, or should push notifications work as intended?

vsTerminus commented 7 years ago

Well, I was wondering why my Android notifications weren't working so I guess that explains it.

I'll have to modify this so that it only connects to Discord to update your status, and then have it immediately disconnect. That should solve the notifications problem.

vsTerminus commented 7 years ago

This is fixed as of 77a88aeed693f5854f4f17121f5037a2f7abb724

The script now connects only when a new song has been detected from Last.FM, and immediately disconnects after setting the status.

I have been running this build for a couple weeks now and my notifications seem to be working perfectly.

It should still be compatible with the current version of Mojo::Discord, but please let me know if you run into issues and I will push an update for that too.