vsaint1 / cs2-infestation

Free and open-source kernel/usermode external cheetos for CS2
49 stars 2 forks source link

Build issue #21

Closed Enmton closed 4 months ago

Enmton commented 4 months ago

C:\Users**\Downloads\cs2-infestation-master\cs2-infestation-master>windows_build.bat --release ERROR: Profile not found: C:\Users**.conan2\profiles\default Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. CMake Warning: Ignoring extra path from command line:


CMake Error: The source directory "C:/Users/****/Downloads/cs2-infestation-master" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI. Error: could not load cache

vsaint1 commented 4 months ago

run conan profile detect

Enmton commented 4 months ago

okay now it works :) but it close after 1-2 mins and if i build driver this error comes

C:\Users****\Downloads\cs2-infestation-master1\cs2-infestation-master\driver>if --release == --release (msbuild driver.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform="x64" ) Der Befehl "msbuild" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden.

C:\Users****\Downloads\cs2-infestation-master1\cs2-infestation-master\driver>if --release == --debug (msbuild driver.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="x64" )

vsaint1 commented 4 months ago

driver isnt ready yet, but need to use visual studio dev console to build. im debugging the release build randomly crashes

ASSembler1337 commented 4 months ago

you can put all files in your own VS project, manually add all additionals and compile - profit!

vsaint1 commented 4 months ago

thanks, fixed release build crashing due to read invalid strings