vsanse / react_barebone_components

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Accordian added #21

Open rajdama opened 3 years ago

rajdama commented 3 years ago

Accordian section added

netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

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vsanse commented 3 years ago

Hi @rajdama ,

Thanks for the PR. I think we can expose some props where users can decide if all the tabs are to be opened together or just one at a time.

rajdama commented 3 years ago

@vsanse Can you explain little bit more I didn't got what you said

rajdama commented 3 years ago

Screenshot 2021-10-13 120424 Should their be a button like this?

vsanse commented 3 years ago

Please check this: https://ant.design/components/collapse/

here if you see the collapse component it accepts a prop 'accordion' which defines if all the tabs can be opened together or one at a time. for e.g: if 'accordion:false`: then you can open tabs without closing the previous one else when you open a tab previously opened tabs would be closed automatically.

rajdama commented 3 years ago

@vsanse Got it.