Currently, after a recovery expression matches parser-gen does not automatically consumes the spaces after it, as it does for regular patterns described in the grammar. This causes some unexpected errors. For example, in the following code:
`package.path = package.path .. ";../?.lua"
local pg = require "parser-gen"
local peg = require "peg-parser"
local errs = {
rcblk = { "missing end of block", "(!'}' .)* '}'" },
condw = {"missing condition in while", "'b'"},
body = {"missing body statement in while", "'d'"},
local function parse(input)
errors = 0
result, errors = pg.parse(input,grammar,printerror)
return result, errors
if arg[1] then
-- argument must be in quotes if it contains spaces
local input =[1]):read("*a")
res, errs = parse(input)
local ret = {parse=parse}
return ret
When given following input:
while 1 {
I was expecting an error message related to label rcblk, but I got:
Error #1: Syntax error on line 5(col 1)
[1] => {
[msg] => 'Syntax error'
[line] => '5'
[col] => '1'
I fixed this issue by changing the initial rule to:
prog <- blockstmt %s !.
Then I got the expected error and a corresponding AST:
Error #1: missing end of block on line 3(col 3)
[1] => {
[msg] => 'missing end of block'
[line] => '3'
[label] => 'rcblk'
[col] => '3'
I think a function such as pattspaces should be applied to
recovery expressions, in order to avoid the problem of handling
spaces after the matching of a recovery expression.
Hi, @vsbenas .
Currently, after a recovery expression matches parser-gen does not automatically consumes the spaces after it, as it does for regular patterns described in the grammar. This causes some unexpected errors. For example, in the following code:
`package.path = package.path .. ";../?.lua" local pg = require "parser-gen" local peg = require "peg-parser" local errs = { rcblk = { "missing end of block", "(!'}' .)* '}'" }, condw = {"missing condition in while", "'b'"}, body = {"missing body statement in while", "'d'"}, } pg.setlabels(errs)
local grammar = pg.compile([[
prog <- blockstmt !. blockstmt <- '{' stmt '}'^rcblk stmt <- whilestmt / blockstmt whilestmt <- 'while' exp^condw stmt^body exp <- [0-9]+ HELPER <- ';' / %nl / %s / !. SYNC <- (!HELPER .) SKIP <- %s / %nl ]], _, false, false) grammar:pcode() local errors = 0 local function printerror(desc,line,col,sfail,trec) errors = errors+1 print("Error #"..errors..": "..desc.." on line "..line.."(col "..col..")") end
local function parse(input) errors = 0 result, errors = pg.parse(input,grammar,printerror) return result, errors end
if arg[1] then
-- argument must be in quotes if it contains spaces local input =[1]):read("*a") res, errs = parse(input) peg.print_t(res) peg.print_r(errs) end local ret = {parse=parse} return ret `
When given following input: `{ while 1 { };
I was expecting an error message related to label rcblk, but I got: Error #1: Syntax error on line 5(col 1) nil [1] => { [msg] => 'Syntax error' [line] => '5' [col] => '1' }
I fixed this issue by changing the initial rule to: prog <- blockstmt %s !.
Then I got the expected error and a corresponding AST: Error #1: missing end of block on line 3(col 3) rule='prog', { rule='blockstmt', '{', { rule='stmt', { rule='whilestmt', 'while', { rule='exp', '1', }, { rule='stmt', { rule='blockstmt', '{', '}', }, }, }, }, }, [1] => { [msg] => 'missing end of block' [line] => '3' [label] => 'rcblk' [col] => '3' }
I think a function such as pattspaces should be applied to recovery expressions, in order to avoid the problem of handling spaces after the matching of a recovery expression.