vsbuffalo / scythe

A 3'-end adapter contaminant trimmer
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trouble reading scythe output into qrqc #12

Open ClarkLabUCB opened 11 years ago

ClarkLabUCB commented 11 years ago

Hey Vince,

I'm having trouble getting scythe and qrqc to play nice together. The trimmed fastq from scythe throws a segfault when loaded into qrqc. The untrimmed fastq file loads and summarizes fine. It is only the scythe trimmed file that is throwing a segfault, not the initial untrimmed reads. Any ideas about what is causing this? I tried hash=FALSE as well. I'm confused because these seem to be part of a Galaxy pipeline. Here's what I did:

From the command line:

scythe -a illumina_adapters.fa -o scythe_file.fastq -m matches.txt -q sanger raw.fastq

Then in R:


And here's the segfault

* caught segfault * address 0x1057eb000, cause 'memory not mapped'

Traceback: 1: .Call("summarize_file", filename, as.integer(max.length), as.integer(qtype), as.logical(hash), as.numeric(hash.prop), as.logical(kmer), as.integer(k), as.logical(verbose)) 2: readSeqFile(file = scythe_file, type = "fastq", quality = "sanger")

I'm working from a macbook laptop Mac OSX 10.6.8 with 8GB memory.

Thanks so much for any help you can provide!